Science Fifty years ago put Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon. The man and the legendary words “small step for a man giant leap for mankind” make now a part of our history books. And thanks to the auction that the family of Armstrong and organize that history for some tangible.

Who is a piece of history in your hands can do so from tomorrow, offer on items that were part of Apollo 11. That is the space program of NASA that caused the first man to set foot on the moon. Among the attributes are also the legendary jacket of Neil Armstrong. the

Tangible history
Further, there are American flags auctioned – as well as a few copies of different states – the trip to the space used. “There is a flag of Texas and a flag of Ohio”, says Mark Armstrong, eldest son of Neil. “Who are linked to my father because he is in both states lived.”

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Also the favorite leather jacket of Neil Armstrong – that he even at a later age always wore – will be auctioned. Probably the greatest fortunes to that jacket and the flag. In 2018 there was already a similar flag (of same size) of the mission sold: that went out the door for 275.000 dollar (245.000€).