“A room swept of demons”

“The Russian poet Maria Stepanova romandebuterar with the Memory of the memory”

“A man in exile is doomed to constantly be hounded by the past ghosts, said Vladimir Nabokov in memoarboken from 1951, Speak, memory.”

“the Same seems to apply for the Russian poet and now also prosaförfattaren Maria Stepanova, despite the fact that she basically has remained at home since birth in Moscow in 1972. That coming from a jewish family, she sees itself as particularly arranged for the backward-looking, and in her body think she know a child fear, a ”room already swept and won by the demons”.”

“”instead of telling you about himself, tell you about their ancestors,” she writes in her labyrinthine prosadebut the Memory of the memory, speaking of a keen traveler, Marianne Hirsch The generation of postmemory (2012), a work of which Stepanova says they have taken decisive impression. ”They line up behind even the back of a big run behind a soloist – and the music is composed for at least seventy years ago.””

“the more vocal will be those of the ancestors when her aunt dies, leaving behind an apartment filled with items that all seem to cry out for the writer: letters, photographs, porcelain, furniture, books (’grey Chekhov, green Dickens’), as well as the old stray animal mög. And Stepanova, putting, sort, and make themselves tvehågset to ”the bottleneck for the family story”, as she puts it.”

“the Result is a minor monster of a book which hardly baxas into any known genrefålla, but also a work of that kind that the reader can look up virtually anywhere and be sure to find something exciting or surprising. Yourself call Stepanova his creation of ”a romance”, something that seems to me to be meant as a gentle irony.”

“the Portrayal floats certainly quiet and dignified way through the book’s 555 pages, but Stepanovas prose at the same time have a phenomenal capability that pareras at least as phenomenal by the translator, Nils Håkanson whose effort often appears to be clean utbrytarnumret.”

“nLiksom of Stepanovas synbarligt main role model, the German W G Influence, the minimum movie ticket get the text to overflow in the essay, and during the reading I find myself constantly googling for such things as pictures from the 20th-century Odessa or after the works of sakletaren and the artist Joseph Cornell, who I did not know before but who are being paid to a private chapter. “

“of Course there are also the relatives there in the crowd, dwelling on its often crucial to the discretion on the brink of the 1900-century the abyss and to Stepanovas frustration more or less impossible to insert into a manageable narrative. As soon as, they appear as a kind of motståndsfickor that the author has to isolate and bypass in all its slukande were: ”The less I can tell about them, the closer we get to each other.””

“the Sections on the ”party bolsjeviken” and gammelmormorn Sarra Ginzburg or grandfather Nikolay Stepanov will not be less alive for it, but enough to get anförvanterna often find themselves in seem kådlöpor between the growth rings in a log. “

“(Transl. Nils Håkanson)”
