“Stand up for Sweden-the founder denied the crime in court”

“In Eskilstuna district court took place in the day something unique. “

“A narrow and fundamentally important legal issue attracted so large an audience that the court was forced to hand out tickets. “

“more specifically, was the trial”

“the 52-year-old founder and administrator of this forum committed a crime then he won’t have deleted the crudest racist smörjan as members evicted out of?”

“It considers the public prosecutor, Maria Estberg and Emanuel Winberg. That they are two is because the case has led to the unpleasant hot and after much on and but brought the prosecution with reference to the paragraphs that are almost never used, the act on responsibility for electronic bulletin boards.”

“more than 160 000 members produce, of course, a lot of. Prosecutors had selected formulations do not need to be a law professor to suspect constitutes incitement to hatred:”

“”Muslims must be wiped out completely”. “

“”Turks, apmänniskor from the middle east, africans, and other scumbags. Why should the lågbegåvade the animals, which is a thousand is a thousand years behind in evolution mixed in with our race”.”


“the Interest to follow the hearing turned out to be great, the tickets, the A 50, ended in a flash.”

“to listen To this audience in the waiting room was like visiting a trade fair for frimärksamlare, 50-talsbilar or whatever that brings people from far and wide who had never before met.”

“”Oh, it is you who is Lena”…”Hey, my name is Lasse, we have talked a lot of”…”Finally, Gudrun, we meet”…”

“A person arrested with pepper sprays. A man had to relinquish his knife. The guards were moderately amused when a woman tried to joke that she had a bomb with him.”

“the 52-year-old, blue jacket, jeans, relaxed smile, said hello to the right and left, and sat on the defendants’ bench and told me that he formed the group as a support for Peter Knight, a police officer in Örebro a few years ago, fell into disgrace, since he’s on Facebook posted that he was tired of immigrants and the crimes they committed. “

” I thought it would be a few hundred members. Within a day it was 50 000. When we were the greatest we had over 200 000.”

“But Knight himself took after a month away. He thought the content was too rough. Racism, homophobia, misogyni, the hatred and the contempt flowed.”

“The existential crisis which broke out among the members when their guru took his hand from them, reminiscent of the reactions in the Bhagwansekten in the 1980s, when its spiritual leaders took lyxbilarna and million, and stack. “

“But the group are soon snatched up, renamed the forum to Stand up for Sweden and has today more than 160 000 members. “

“Prosecutors Estberg began the interview with the accused. Muslims should be wiped out, is there anything you have seen? A picture of Adolf Hitler doing the Hitler-greeting, do you remember it?”

“the 52-year-old, for the day gifted with remarkable bad memory, did not remember. It was a long time ago. There are so many people who write things. Is not possible to monitor everything.”

“Åklagarkollegan Winberg took over. His questions were more precise and detailed. “

“Embarrassing for the man is himself, he has put up the post that the indictment covers, or in each case been inside the threads and discussed. It is difficult as with the credibility of the claim that you don’t have a clue. “

“On the other hand, had his lawyer Torbjörn Olsson a very good point when he pointed out that about 250 000 comments written in the group in a month and that it is impossible to in the jungle to keep track of everything. “

“the Administrators, he said, have done as best they could, and deleted and blocked users that have gone over the limit.”

“Had a 52-year-old intent? Or was he, in any case grossly negligent? The answers to those questions will determine the outcome of this case.”

“this is the legally unknown terrain was evident in prosecutors’ slutanföranden. Reference was made to judgments in The district court, the Svea court of appeal and the Supreme court and motioned for conditionally and heavy fines.”

“people in the Audience snickered and whispered, outside the almost drawn down the curtains, it was raining for a while, the event lasted nearly four hours, the district court issues its judgment later. “

“But this is just the first round. This case may very well walk all the way to the Supreme court. “

“Perhaps the man is innocent. Perhaps these sections toothless. Maybe it turns out that legislators and the judiciary should go another way.”

“nonetheless, it is excellent that the responsibility is tested. Groups such as this brutaliserar and förfular Sweden.”