Sergio Bosi, a bus driver for the Lugano public transport companies, was on a break, and he was in a hurry. For his seriously ill wife, he wanted to make some purchases, before his shift started again. “Since the time was short,” says the Ticino, “I made the mistake to exceed the speed limit.” The result: a Licence for five months.

For some office workers the loss of the ticket can be annoying and restrictive. For a professional driver like Sergio Bosi existence is threatening. The driving ban applies, in principle, not only privately, but also professionally. Bosis was fortunate that there is in Lugano not only buses, but also a funicular from the train station to the centre. To use this, it is required no license. The urban transport companies allowed Bosi to work during his enforced break and a reduced workload at the funicular railway. Today, five years after the incident, Bosi as a bus driver.

proposal in the national Council

Other professional drivers, it is less lightly. Numbers are not tangible, since the statistics of the card entzügen no acquisition activities. “But if it happens to be a Chauffeur, then it is dramatic,” says Barbara Spalinger, Vice-President of the transport Union SEV. “Then there is often a loss of work.” The Swiss sanctions regime that does not distinguish between private and professional Travel, in addition to the course, in fact, to a prohibition from practising a profession.

in May, the national Council will decide today to change this Regime. Is appear on the agenda of an offence, the Thurgau trade unionist Edith Graf-Litscher (SP), wants to abolish the “double penalty” for professional drivers. “At least in the case of slight negligence” it should be the authorities to distinguish between the categories of vehicle significantly, argues Graf-Litscher. This would mean that a Licence only for the private car could be. The professional vehicle likely to use the Affected or significantly faster.

Graf-Litschers Motion was signed by members from SP, GLP, CVP, FDP and SVP; so she has chances. Among the supporters of the Aargau SVP-husband Ulrich Giezendanner. As a transportation entrepreneur, he is familiar with such cases from their own experience. Often meet Young, as the Elderly were on the road in General, more defensive. “A Chauffeur in Switzerland is the only profession in which a tempo offence will be punished with a Jobverbot,” criticised Giezendanner. In the surrounding countries, by contrast, will make a clear distinction between private trips and such, served the bread acquisition.

Road Cross is skeptical

However, there are the aspirations of the politicians-the Alliance of criticism. The Federal Council, whose opinions have high weight, recommends the proposal to rejection. The cantonal authorities may cases, if necessary, already sufficiently differentiated judgments, the government argues.

Skeptical also Road Cross, the Foundation for traffic safety. The concerns of the chauffeurs, while “from a human perspective, to understand,” says managing Director Caroline Beglinger. “However, it seems to us very difficult to make between a personal and a professional ability to Drive a difference.” Rules of the road served the traffic safety, emphasized Beglinger. Their effectiveness depends on how well and how consistently they would be adhered to. “Here, professional drivers and professional drivers have a certain role model.” Even more than for sporadic drivers, it was “crucial that you keep to the rules applicable”.

Sergio Bosi, the bus driver from Lugano, will be the decision of the national Council is not expected to be more affected yourself. He hopes, however, that the policy be corrected by him as abuse to the perceived Situation. “I just don’t understand why I was able to take my work back then does not continue to exercise. This is unfair.” The period of uncertainty he has such a “strange disease” in memory.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 07.05.2019, 21:55 PM