“MP want to double the tax on long flights”

“the Green party’s congress votes to raise the flygskatten substantially on the inrikessträckor where it is possible to go by train, for example, between Stockholm and Gothenburg.”

“in Addition to the party that the tax should at least be doubled on long trips.”

“the Green Youth want to ban domestic flights between the major cities and introduce a progressive aviation tax, which increases the more flights you do.”

“So far to the representatives of the MP:s kongress in Örebro’t go.”

“instead, they voted through a proposal to introduce a differentiated aviation tax, which, for example, a flight between Stockholm and Malmö substantially higher taxes while regions without good tågalternativ get the exception.”

“today is flygskatten of between 60 and 400 dollars depending on how far you fly.”

“MP congress also voted yes to a proposal to at least double the tax on long flights, for example, Thailand and the united states.”

“the MP also wants to severely restrict the advertising of air travel and believes that there should be warnings on aviation and the harm in the advertising copy may.”

“another proposal that received the support, is to ban all airlines to use any type of bonus system, where a lot of travelers benefit of the customer, for example in the form of discounts on more flights.”