“Train was in flames at Malmö C – the traffic was stopped”

“An empty train carriage caught fire on the railway in Malmö during the night to Sunday.”

“the train service was stopped during fighting the fire.”

“the Alarm on the fire at able com at 03.07.”

“– It is an empty train. We are working hard to get the burning the cart disconnected from the rest of the wagons, ” said Gustaf Sandell, internal command at the emergency services.”

“initially appeared only smoke from the able, but just before the clock 04 broke open the flames up through the roof. The trolley standing on a siding on the way towards Malmö central.”

“We are there with several units on and off with the help of skärsläckare and conventional external hydration,” said Gustaf Sandell.”

“the train service was stopped at the request. It affected, among other things, The öresund trains, where several flights were canceled or delayed.”

“At the from 04: 30, opened a number of tracks again.”

“”the Rail service can be re-scroll through the Malmö C. Följdförseningar remains, however, on the single train for some time to come. Even some inställelser can occur before the traffic is in phase again”, writes the Swedish transport administration.”

“Current information on cancellations is available here at the Swedish transport administration’s website.”