Four officers have to accompany the man from the Club. Also in the fresh air, he remains aggressively – up to one of the police officers, his Bodycam on. Now, since the little camera holds its appearance on film, the party animal suddenly tame.

“psychologically helpful,” evaluated the Zurich city police officer body camera after that. A year and a half, he and his colleagues were able to test it. At the end of the pilot test, approximately 60 percent reported that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Also, officials of the SBB transport police took part in 2017 on a test. “In particular, the protection and the preservation of evidence have experienced high levels of agreement,” said SBB spokesman Christian Ginsig. “Due to the results can imagine, the corps line, the introduction of body-Cams.” Are decisions not yet made.

the citizens are Convinced. This shows a previously unpublished survey of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Over 2000 adults from all the cantons were consulted in 2018. “More than eight out of ten agreed with the statement, rather, to completely that you are in favour of the use of body Cams all in all”, says Dirk Baier.

in the Canton of Vaud, a project is “in progress”

the head of The Institute for delinquency and crime prevention had already accompanied the practice test in Zurich, scientifically. A year ago, the results were presented. Now research shows that other security forces want to upgrade. “We are also interested in the Bodycam, which is why in our corps currently in a test phase is in progress,” says Jonah Friederich of the police of the Canton of Fribourg. “We hope, in particular, feedback on the benefits of this use by means of as well as to the effect on the people, to do with what the officials.”

in the Canton of Vaud, a project is underway, police spokesperson Florence Maillard, on request, says. It is still too early for Details, we will inform the Public in the near future. The Ticino cantonal police is not even with body Cams. “But we are now considering the possibility of a pilot project to carry out, and track the results of other projects run in Switzerland,” says researcher Saskia Lacalamita.

no money, No trust or no urban problems

However, 20 of the cantons, it is not the intention that the corps in the future. “In principle, we see no need for the use of body Cams,” says Adrian Gaugler of the police of Basel-Landschaft. “We are of the opinion that their use, especially in the urban environment is useful.” But even the Kapos Geneva and Zurich see no need for action. For the Lucerne police, the cost of acquisition at the Moment “, in particular, for financial reasons,” not an issue, says media spokesman Urs Wigger. Some authorities also fear that a use is a threat to the trust between police and citizens.

Dirk Baier not surprised by this attitude. Although his study was tended to be positive. “In the end it is less about scientific evidence, but political will.” And the hanging of current Events. “Body Cams are then on the agenda, when it comes to serious attacks on officials,” says Baier. So it was in the city of Zurich. Security supervisor Karin Rykart was once against the cameras, but changed their mind, as last summer, officials were attacked on the promenade. In the meantime, the city Council has developed a Bodycam-regulation, which is now the Zurich municipal Council decides.

A decision that many other cities look forward to. “The urban centers are Hotspots, it is precisely here that it needs to respond to the violence against police officers,” says Barbara Günthard, President of the conference of Urban safety Directors. Particularly interested in body cameras also Bern and Lugano, in addition to Zurich. “Smaller cities, where the threat is still manageable, you want to currently height instead of police work on the eyes.”

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Created: 04.05.2019, 20:48 PM