“Bolund want to get the countryside”

“the Green party språkrörskandidat Per Bolund want to make climate policy more equitable.”

“– We need to show that the green transition is not a threat to be able to live anywhere in Sweden, ” he says.”

“the Tie and the suit is not miljöpartisters main feature, but the style of the financial markets Per Bolund intend to continue with, even if he is elected as the new mouthpiece of the Green party congress at the weekend.”

“– It the style fits me very well, ” says Bolund in a TT interview.”

“He thinks it may be easier to pursue a radical policy in a suit and tie.”

“– If you don’t all the time have a style that creates prejudices, have you, perhaps, easier to implement the policy that is needed, ” he says.”

“But he draws often on träningsoverallen also Bolund going to the gym, running, and trying to play basketball once a week. In addition, the bikes he for the job.”

“It helps him to keep stringent on the job – but he also thinks it is a good example of the benefits of a green lifestyle.”

“– When you step out of the car and on the bike, it gives not only a better climate and the urban environment, but also better health, ” he says.”

“If Bolund is elected to the new mouthpiece will be one of his main tasks is to strengthen the support for the party outside of the metropolitan areas.”

“the MP did a lousy election results in the fall. The worst, it went on the countryside.”

“Bolund believe that the party talked for a bit about how people can live climate-friendly in their everyday lives.”

“I know that people in rural areas have the same concern for the climate as any other,” he says.”

“To gradually increase the requirement on the mixing of biofuels in petrol and diesel find Bolund is an excellent example of how one can reduce environmental impact and running as usual.”

“the MP has recently put forward several proposals to strengthen the rural areas, for example, reduced social security contributions and taxes in the particularly vulnerable municipalities.”

“As a mouthpiece to Bolund bet on to make climate policy fair. He wants the revenue from increased environmental taxes will be distributed out to the population by the same amount for all.”

“Bolund also want the party to have a consultation on a green policy for equality and if a green social policy.”

“I think it is incredibly important that there is a climate justice in transition,” he says.”

“In the party’s election assessment statement is that many voters have the perception that the MP does not understand the common people.”

“TT: What do you think about people who like to drive big cars, eat a lot of meat and fly to Spain or Thailand on holiday?”

“I am very much for people to decide for himself how to use his utsläppsutrymme,” says Bolund and continues:”

“– But I think at the same time to live in a way that does not destroy our future.”

“Itself is Bolund not a vegetarian, but says that his family has vegetarian weekdays.”

TT: you Must know flygskam when you fly on vacation?”

” I think that you should be aware that it actually affects the climate.”

“MP, has today its kärnväljare among the well-educated middle class in the metropolis. The party has received criticism for being storstadsfixerat.”

“in the Face partikongressens språkrörsval on Saturday challenged Per Bolund of a priest from Växjö, Magnus Wåhlin.”

“Bolund has grown up in a middle class family in Solna in greater Stockholm with two parents who are professors.”

“My parents have an academic background, but we do have many other representatives that have many other wallpapers as well,” he says.”

“in Spite of the bad results of the elections feel the Bolund wind for the MP.”

“– We will catch up the movement which is now growing in Sweden, the commitment is for the climate.”

“Lives in Stockholm, sweden, is partner and has three children.”

“trained biologist at the university of Stockholm.”

“Are financial markets since 2014.”

“also Has responsibility for housing policy since 2019.”

“was Elected to parliament in 2006.”

“Was oppositionsborgarråd in Stockholm in 2010 to 2011.”