A new campaign is at the door, with just more than three weeks left until election day. This time, there are elections to the european Parliament, which is held every five years. It is the only option for voters in Sweden and other member states in direct elections to appoint politicians who are making laws which are then valid throughout the EU.

the Parties have presented their candidates and have begun to launch the campaign promises, but so far it has gone most voters by. Awareness of the elections to be held on may 26 is low, it shows a measurement from the DN/Ipsos. Only 43% respond correctly to the elections held in may. The rest of the replies later in the year, any other year or do not know at all.


Although awareness has increased slightly since march so it is still low given the short time that is left. The first premise that the voters should be able to make informed decisions is that they feel that there should be elections, ” he says.

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Nicklas Källebrings assessment is that the interest for the last EUROPEAN elections was raised that it occurred during the supervalåret 2014 and became a kind of prelude to the parliamentary elections the following autumn. Now it will instead after an election and form a government that took all the oxygen from the political debate.

contained spänningsfaktorn that new parties have been knocking on Parliament’s door: in 2004, the June list, In 2009 the Pirate party and the 2014 Feminist initiative. Some such candidates are seen at all, not in the DN/Ipsos aprilmätning.

Read more: DN:s guide will help you to take a stand in the EU elections

– At the moment it doesn’t look out to get into something new party, says Nicklas Källebring which, however, points out that skrällar taken place in the past, not least the EU critical June list official raketspurt 15 years ago.

on the choice, and the high percentage of undecided voters (25%), the results of the DN/Ipsos aprilmätning not be taken as any forecast for the election results.

– When the visibility is low and the election campaign will be short and intense, there is a large space for väljarrörlighet, ” says Nicklas Källebring.

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Some clear trends are visible, however, in the survey. The sweden democrats look set to go against another big success in the elections. 17 per cent of the votes cast is more than 7 percentage points over the election results 2014 and in line with the share of votes in last year’s parliamentary elections. Even the Christian democrats and the Left party (both 10%) is clearly above the results in both the EUROPEAN elections in 2014 and the last parliamentary elections.

– It follows the trends that we have seen in the domestic political opinion, ” says Nicklas Källebring.

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during the election results in the EUROPEAN elections in 2014 hear the Greens that drop the most in this measurement, almost 7 percentage points down to a support of 9 per cent.

the Liberals also belong to the losers in the measurement. With 6 per cent of the votes cast is about 4 percentage points in the share of the voting rights in the 2014 elections, but still higher than when the DN/Ipsos in april, asked how voters would vote if there were parliamentary elections today (4 per cent). To the picture belongs to L has been shaken by a severe internal conflict for the elections, which ended with toppkandidaten Cecilia Wikström petades and was replaced by Karin Karlsbro.

can, however, in the end, be FI, which one to a mandate in the parliament in 2014. With only 1 per cent of the electorate behind them in the DN/Ipsos, against 5.5 in the last election, it is a long way to go if the mandate should be retained.

For S, M and C, differences are small in measurement, compared with 2014. Of the S would be 23 percent, however, mean the worst result since Sweden became EU member in 1995.

Read more: this is The party toppkandidater in the EU elections