Opposition parties in the county, now the Region of Stockholm, has repeatedly pointed out the difficulty to comply with decisions that apply to the Karolinska, and also raised questions about the hospital’s deficit, as long as the assessed land on the minus sek 500 million, suddenly grew and landed on the 822 million less for the whole of 2018. The same applies to the hospital’s galloping deficits for 2019, which recently turned out to be 1.5 billion sek instead of eur 1.1 billion, which means that the hospital needs to save a further half a billion.

In the auditors ‘ annual report for the year 2018, it has now been shown that many of the contacts between the hospital, the county council executive board and healthcare administration, which touched the rampant deficit occurred in informal ways, and decisions on action have been taken without the meeting notes and minutes, that the DN previously told.

fail of the landstingsrevisorerna, which points to a deterioration since 2017, when the board received a note, and then replaced.

Oppositionsregionrådet Erika Ullberg (S) have long criticised the governance of the Karolinska.

– the Auditors ‘ criticisms and statements from the new master kai fa shows that there is a deep crisis at the Karolinska. Patients and staff are hit and it goes out over the care in the whole county. The blue-green majority now needs to change the dysfunctional governance, ” says Erika Ullberg.

it is a committee – the committee have also criticised the of the auditors to not comply with the local government act, then the decision is poorly documented and the protocols were flawed, a criticism that gained the support of Olle Lundin, professor of administrative law, which says that it is totally ”to hell” and ”reminiscent of a saint helena”.

– breaching the local government act in its components if you go from being a formal government to be some kind of debating club, he has previously said to DN, and pointed out that with the lack of a basis follows from a lack of control.

Erika Ullberg says:

” I agree with the auditors, and to professor Olle Lundin that it must become the order of governance, from decision-making to the control of the budget.

Jonas Lindberg see a pattern in the informal time that characterized the whole management of the New Karolinska, even during the planning and design stage. In the ongoing evaluation of the project New Karolinska researchers from Stockholm university in particular, lifting how the process of the whole project to a large extent been handled with minimal transparency outside of the mainstream agencies in the county.

– Now you have said that ”we have learned of the New Karolinska”, but the audit report shows that they continued, on the basis of the policy to do things informally, and it is jättebesvärande. The county council and the regions is the political body that has the worst control functions – one would like to call in those who have been responsible to a constitutional body and hold them to account, but it is not possible, says Jonas Lindberg, and points to the revisionskritiken must lead on.

– An important feature is a functioning opposition, so that those responsible can be held accountable for their decisions, but it will be difficult to be a clear opposition on the information we receive only fragments of the whole.

Irene Svenonius says that she looks serious on the auditors ‘ report, and agree with much of the criticism.

” It is apparent that Karolinska did not have sufficient order in their business and the economy in 2018. It was one of the main reasons we chose to change the board last spring.

the Criticism affects partially also the new board of directors or the committee, inter alia, by the deficit pulled out, which audit considers have exacerbated the situation.

Irene Svenonius points out that the new board took office only in June and needed time to settle into things before it could start working. At the same time she is self-critical:

– A lesson from the report is that we at all levels in the region have to make decisions faster. We could see that the deficit was large in helårsprognosen in september. Our officials have had discussions, but the issues need to be brought up at the political level faster when there is reason to make a decision in a body other than the board that has the responsibility.

” If that is so, administrations review their approach. Decisions should always be taken with adequate documentation and they must be documented, regardless of whether they are made by officials or politicians.

– What is the informal contacts and what is decision making? If the boards have economic concerns so brought of course, conversations with stakeholders at different levels to ensure how it looks, and what it takes for action. It is more the rule than the exception to be called up for dialogue, says Irene Svenonius, and continues:

” But what is indicated in the audit report is something else – that would have made the decision without the minuted meetings and not documented it. When officials take decisions on the delegation so must the decisions be well documented.

thematic organization put in place with the help of consultants from the Boston Consulting Group. The new master kai fa Björn Zoëga, has said that it is now ”screwed” on the organization, which has 30 percent more managers, but that it was not possible to recreate the clinics.

– It is a matter for the master kai fa (and possibly the board to make a decision on which organization you want to have. It is becoming the new sjukhusdirektörens the biggest task. In order to cope with the care, and the economic challenge.

” I have no reason to believe that Karolinskas board of directors would deliberately violate the local government act. I have great confidence that Håkan Sörman manage the local government act.

” I have great confidence in the board that works very hard to get it here along with the new master kai fa. It is liberating to master kai fa talking about that he wants to work closely with those who work at the hospital. I think that is an important prerequisite in order to get succeed.

Read more: State of the Karolinska everything worse – manage neither care or economy

Read more: Karolinska face anställningsstopp