“LO-base threats to the Leaves: Ready to go on strike”

“KALMAR. Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson requires over 100 billion to the welfare coming years. “

“LO-base also takes the battle against the government’s announced changes in the labour code:”

” I promise you this on the first of may. We from the union will never accept it.”

“LO chairman Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson the first of may speech in Kalmar included a promise to the members of the organization: the Union will not go along with the government’s announced changes of the labour law. “

“the Anger against the government include, among trade unionists around the country, something which the Aftonbladet newspaper reported this morning. It is based on last week’s announcement that the government launch an investigation of the modernised labour law and more exceptions in the order of entry. LO frukar that a change would hit hard against those who have been employed a long time in strenuous occupations. Employers would have the right to deviate from turordningsregler and the you want instead to apply the ”last in, first out”principle.”

“Thorwaldsson spoke close to home, seven miles from uppväxtorten Cost. The last time he spoke here was that SSU-president in 1993. With anecdotes from that time and with great tributes to Kalmar he got with the crowd that had taken to the Larmtorget.”

“Put the money on healthcare instead of to the rich old men”

“Thorwaldsson believe that the social partners have good opportunities to agree between themselves on the labour law, in that case, will the government’s changes do not become a reality. But, it is added until crisp proposal will tray to take to the weapons you have: “

“– I only have a single mission, to work for the LO’s members. I’m sure that LO’s members are prepared to strike to protect our labour.”

“Thorwaldsson also directed scathing criticism towards the reduction of the värnskatten, which should take place next year and also is a part of the Januariavtalet. “

“– It goes to all who serve over 630 000 sek per year. How many of your colleagues do it? It costs 6.3 billion, put it in the care of the elderly rather than to rich men. “

“Sit yourself in the executive committee.”

“How does it feel to speak here today when the government announced these changes?”

” Good. When there are tough times ahead, it feels good to meet as many members as possible. Now you get the chance to talk about these changes.”

“You sit yourself in the social Democrats’ executive committee. It is a credibility problem for you in your criticism? “

“– It is in this case a problem that a president has had since 1898, when the LO was formed. It will be so to the and from that we have different opinions. In the mid-90s, there were 100 000 who demonstrated against changes in labour law. “

“In connection with the first of may presents LO is also a requirement for a large välfärdssatsning. Sweden’s economy is going good, instead of to pay off the national debt and keep the so-called surplus target, the government should put 108 billion remaining term to municipalities and county councils, consider the LO. “

“– We have a very good economy and can make them here välfärdspakten at 108 billion in three years, but to lend to it. My message to the Leaves of the day is: Use these years to build out the welfare and pension build-up.”

“Mikael Branch, nurse and shop steward at the home for the elderly, the Yard thought it Thorwaldsson said in pressträffen was interesting and good. “

” It bodes well for the future. LO has big muscles, I think they can stand up against this government wants to, ” he says.”

“Video:: Want to parties make up”

“Prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) received after his speech in Umeå questions about LO-base statements. “

“He says that the government has done so far in terms of labour law is to bring forward a directive for an investigation ”that will lead to something.” “

” I would prefer that the parties themselves must make up, if labour law. They were at the time with this. If they continue to do so, it is the best, ” he says.”

“– But it becomes legislation, the parties have an important task, both unions and employers. Com with approach shots, how will we prevent arbitrary layoffs? How should the employer’s responsibility for omställningsförmåga increase and so on, for so it is written in the Januariavtalet.”

“Thorwaldsson says that LO’s members can go on strike labour law and to Leaves, thus, can be in conflict with the movement’s other leg, want to Löfven not to speculate on the. “

“instead repeat, he also the LO and its unions, but also civil servants, academics and employers now have a responsibility to come up with approaches on how this should be resolved.”