“Suspect våldtäktsmannens messy time behind bars – dödshotade staff”

“”Will cut your orphans – ‘ll fucking kill you”

“22-year-old suspected of attacking and raping a minor girl outdoors in Huddinge has several times failed in their impulse control and was aggressive. “

“He is sentenced, inter alia, to have also assaulted a pregnant woman with a metal pipe. “

“the Time in prison has been marked by irregularities and lack of impulse control.”

“During the häktningsförhandlingen in the district court on Tuesday, admitted the 22-year-old promptly of the charges against him, that he raping a girl in a wooded area in Huddinge, sweden, when she was on the way to school.”

“– He acknowledges the crimes, and he is deeply remorseful, that is why he has chosen to do it in this way instead of deny, says his lawyer Simon Bergström to Aftonbladet.”

“The suspected rapist has a long criminal record with drugs and violent crime on his conscience. “

“In november 2017, he beat a pregnant woman with a metal pipe after having ridden in the elevator with her. Then he went to a nearby elementary school and masturbated. “

“since Then he has been in custody and then served a prison term of one year and ten months in prison.”

“Robbed with the now murder suspect man”

“a Criminal career, however, began earlier than that, already in 2014, was charged with the now 22-year-old man for having robbed a guy on his mobile. The robbery was carried out together with a man who has recently been charged together with several other people for two high-profile ”kontraktsmord”, a at Guldheden and on the island of Lidingö. “

“the Years behind bars have been characterized by a behavior that he if you believe correctional reports, do not seem particularly remorseful. ”Systematic sentences” describe the correctional 22-see her bold fashion behavior in the Hall. “

“The overall warnings, and the reports form a thick tome, many times prison officers pointed to his aggressive behavior and lack of impulse control. “

“During a period he was at the prison in the town when he along with two other inmates sat and played video games. Suddenly he threw the remote control at the television, stood up and threw a drinking glass so that the screen broke down and rev down the tv from the wall. Because of how he behaved he was transferred from Haparanda to an institution with a security level 1. “

“the Prison describes how his behaviour escalated, with several small incidents in close succession, he called the staff for pussies, birds and plitflittor and has expressed threats to the fångvårdare. It is obvious that probation is aware of his lack of impulse control. “

“On another occasion, when the young man placed in isolation, he has, according to the correctional report busted all the equipment in the isoleringscellen in addition to säkerhetsfönster, toilet and sink. “

“At the end of november last year, he would be searched by a guard on Salbergaanstalten then he began to show ”clearly aggressive behavior,” according to the events report. He disobeyed and threatened to ”cut” the guards. “

“I will cut your orphans, I will fucking kill you,” said 22-year-old.”

“Did Hitlerhälsning”

“the Other warnings that were distributed to he spat against the staff and made Hitlerhälsning and repeated the movement, despite being told. In retrospect, his explanation that he said, ”tell Hitler,” and had hand tied.”

“In april this year released him. “

“22-year-old has previous psychiatric examination but was found then not suffer from any serious mental disorder. Now, he will undergo a further such examination. “

“According to the correctional institution’s documents, however, there are elements of mental health and misuse problems. “

“the Prosecution or the omhäktning must be made no later than two weeks. “