In Venezuela, has declared opposition leader Juan Guaido the final phase in the months of raging power struggle with President Nicolas Maduro and the military to support asked.

the end of the repression by Maduro have started, said the self-appointed interim President in a Video that was published on Tuesday on his Twitter account. “Today, brave soldiers, brave patriots, courageous men, who support the Constitution are followed, to our call,” he said.

Guaido was seen in the company of about 70 men in military uniform and the opposition politician, Leopoldo Lopez, is under house arrest. He had been liberated by the soldiers from house arrest “” and that these were supporters of the interim President Juan Guaidó, explained López.

leader of the opposition, to exempt

Guaido indicated that he would support from the ranks of the military. “The national armed forces have made the right decision, and you can count on the support of the Venezuelan people,” said Guaido, was, in his own words to the air of La Carlota in Caracas base. There he was seen by a Reuters Reporter.

Maduro’s government informed that she was faced with a small group of “military traitor”. This wants to proceed with a coup, wrote Minister of information Jorge Rodriguez on Twitter. Currently, to be a part of it, to fight “traitors” within the army, which had gathered in the district of Altamira in Caracas.

tear gas used

Venezuelan security forces have used tear gas against Guaido, as a Reporter for the Reuters news Agency reported. The head of the government loyal to the constituent Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, stated that it had succeeded in the Opposition, to bring the air base under their control. He called on Maduro supporters to come to the presidential Palace.

For Wednesday Guaido has announced the largest protests in the history of the country. Maduro Guaido referred to as a puppet in a U.S.-controlled coup attempt.

defense Minister Vladimir Padrino promised the government of Maduro Loyalty. “The armed forces will defend the Constitution and the legitimate authorities,” he wrote on Twitter. “All military units report normality in their barracks and bases and your are under the command of their commanders.”

A spokeswoman for the acting government of Spain called on to prevent bloodshed. Guaido was the legitimate leader of for Transition of Venezuela to democracy. (red/sda)

Created: 30.04.2019, 12:42 PM