“Oslo wants to stop all engångsplast”
“Within three years must festivals and companies opt out of disposable cutlery and plastkoppar in Oslo. The purpose is to save the marine life and Oslo to become the first Norwegian town that take the step to stop engångsplast, writes NRK. “
“Each year, the ports, eight million tons of plastic in the sea and Oslo to become the first Norwegian city to do something about it. The municipality has now presented a plan of action to stop all engångsplast, reports NRK. “
“– The most important thing is to avoid the debris in the fjord. We hold that choke the sea with plastic, ” says deputy miljökommunissionär Arild Hermstad (MDGS) at the bryggkayan in Oslo to the newspaper. “
“Within three years, they want to have a complete shutdown for the use of products like plastic cups, disposable cutlery and tops. “
“Looking for the help of the government.”
“In the course of the year 2019 will the Oslo have done away with all engångsplast. The idea is then to get all its population and industry. “
“According to the Hermstad is the large consumption of engånsplast a global problem, but he believes that it is possible to resolve locally. He believes, in addition to Oslo, which is a ”european miljöhuvustad” should do their part. “
“– We also want help from the government. They can come up with measures against the large national companies, says Hermstad. “