“C wants to strengthen animal welfare in the EU”

“the Centre party wants to push for improved animal welfare and healthier food in the EU.”

“the Party calls for more sanctions against those who treat animals badly.”

“– All animals have the right to a good and healthy life. Regardless of the farm. Landscape. Or country, said Centerledaren Annie Lööf, on the party’s EU-valsupptakt.”

“She promised that a vote on the Centre party is a vote for a stronger animal protection in the whole of Europe.”

“the Party wants the EU to adopt a common animal welfare law for all member states. The centre party’s top candidate in the EU elections Fredrick Federley out that today the EU is the only issue-specific recommendations.”

“(C) would also shore up an EU animal welfare law with sharper controls and sanctions.”

“– We want there are consequences to treating their animals badly. That it becomes more profitable to invest in a good life for the animals, said the Loof of the century.”

“(C) would also intensify the work against the overuse of antibiotics in livestock farming.”

“Federley points out that the EU prohibits the use of antibiotics for healthy animals and that the requirement should be that the meat exported to the EU have been produced in accordance with the union’s rules.”

“we Now want to C that the EU highlights the issue of getting a global agreement on the use of antibiotics, similar to the paris agreement on climate change. Another C-proposal is to double the EU funding for research on new types of antibiotics.”

“another profilfråga for C in the EU elections is a sharper klimattpolitik. The party would like to raise today’s current emission reduction targets of 40% by 2030 compared with the 1990 to 55 per cent.”

“C is not, however, for the EU to impose a common carbon tax or other environmental taxes, because it believes that tax policy is a national issue.”

“The single most important measure to reduce emissions is, according to Federley, to ensure that the EU’s system for emissions trading is made more efficient.”

“C also wants to introduce a system of emissions trading for countries such as smudge the bottom of the Baltic sea.”

“According to the EUROPEAN commission public opinion poll Eurobarometer like the swedes that the climate issue is the most important powerful electoral factor.”

“C-leader Annie Lööf hope that the party will get more votes than the 6.5 per cent it got in the last EU elections in 2014, so that you can send two instead of the current single Centerpartist to Brussels.”

“in Order to reach that goal, try (C) to engage the electorate by warning of right wing populism and aggressive nationalism in Europe.”

“– Högerpopulisterna want to dismantle the liberal democracy. For good, said Loof in his speech.”

“C suggests that the EU countries that violate the values of the union, shall be punished by a”

“Research indicates that it is about to appoint a politically independent advice of legal professionals to assess when the EU’s basic values are being violated.”