According to the new aggregate statistics from Eurostat gave the 28 EU member states protection for a total of 333.400 asylum seekers in 2018.

as usual, the peaks of Germany to the statistics by far, with almost 140.000 yes-decision in 2018. Sweden lands on the fifth place in the list, with 19.605 positive asylbesked. Seen per capita basis, however, Sweden is in second place, behind Austria.

the most opposed to EU commission proposals on a common distribution of the number of asylum – seekers, Hungary, Poland, the Czech republic and Slovakia, that gave in last year’s asylum to together 1.010 people – about as many who got asylum in Luxembourg.

Of those who got asylum in the EU last year was 29 per cent from Syria, 16 per cent from Afghanistan, and 7 per cent of Iraq.

Last year’s figures means that the sharply downward trend will continue after a record year in 2016. The year was given protection to over 700,000 asylum seekers, which is then decreased by 25 per cent to 2017 and then by a further 40% in the last year.

continue downwards – in the last year with 11 per cent, compared with the year before.

A good piece still remains as to how the situation was before the refugee crisis exploded in the summer and autumn of 2015. In 2013 and 2014 was given asylum in the EU 135.000 each 185.000 persons.