Arkam Nooramith, came to the funerals of the victims of terrorism, no Muslim representative. Why?
We are the Muslim leaders were worried and wanted to go. But we couldn’t, the security forces have not allowed it. You said we should leave, in order not to cause Chaos, the mourning congregation might feel provoked. We are very disappointed. If the government is interested in reconciliation, they would have to grant us protection so that we can Express the condolences of the Muslim community.

What do you by its head gone, as you learned bythe attacks?
We were shocked as all of you. The Christians are like, we are a minority, they were always in solidarity with us. We feel that the attacks hit the whole of Sri Lanka. We are struggling to develop ourselves, live from tourism, 2019, our country was rated as one of the best destinations. We are very concerned.

What do you know about dieislamistische group NTJ,which is responsible for the Attacks?
A man by the name of Mohamed Zahran founded NTJ, a very loud man. Initially, five, six years ago, he preached violence. But the past four years, he called for attacks against enemies of Islam, he also used Youtube.

There are Videos in which he the backdrop of the burning Twin sermon Towers.
We have made the police’s attention, but they have done nothing about it. For two and a half years, we have seen nothing more of Zahran, and we know where he is.

Who is behind him?
Also we don’t know. The security forces have to find that out, but the police said: Help us catch him.

How to have radicalized the Bombers?
These young people were not being directed locally, they were influenced by the IS ideology in the network. The Internet companies have behaved irresponsibly, because you have not filtered these extremist content from the social media. Young people often feel frustrated when crimes against Muslims happen and there is no Islamic leadership that prevents the. Why are Muslims being attacked in Burma, why not in China? The IS took advantage of such emotions, as he promised the Caliphate.

Can you talk Mitra dikalisierten young people?
stand to me two years ago, after the Friday prayer in the Damatagoda mosque. He said: Imam, you lead the people astray. You say that we should pray and fast, but we have to explain Jihad, injustice to fight. He was the son of a rich spice merchant. I told him, Boy, don’t let carry you away. But he was full of anger against the Buddhist community. One of the sons of this businessman has blown up now in the air. I don’t know if it was that spoke with me.

What are the consequences of the attacks?
These young people are neither Muslims in Sri Lanka are still Good in the world done. Everyone treats us now as terrorists, the army, yesterday, my house. We say to our people, to cooperate with the security forces. But we are afraid that the reactions make us Muslims.

there Are already acts of revenge?
Smaller incidents, Yes, some full of fear out of the house, a shop was on fire.

it Has fired someone?
We do not know. Many members of the community are now being arrested. We understand that the security forces do their Job. But psychologically it is hard – even the neighbors doubt to us now. Today I wanted to take an Uber Taxi. As the driver saw me in my clothes, he refused to take me. Well, that is his right, if he’s afraid of me. But for us, this is a very bad Situation.

What do Muslims,to heal wounds?
We want to Express our condolences and closely with the Christians to cooperate. But the Buddhist community is against us. You say: Today the attack is on the Christians, tomorrow it’s us. Are you afraid of, we regret the. We want co-existence. We condemn the extremism.

What are you preaching on Friday?
I’m going to talk about humanity and vigilance, also in the family. This spice trader, whose son has blown up, apparently in the air, knew nothing of the radicalization of his son. We ask all the neighbors and families: Help me, so that radicalised young people to be reintegrated.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 24.04.2019, 21:38 PM