“But personally claim Sigvardsson that his account has been hacked.”

“– He has been hacked, this is not something he stands for at all. He is a sensible guy who I have known for many years, ” says the founder Øivind Tidemandsen to E24. “

“That Aftonbladet previously revealed have Per Sigvardsson, who took over as ceo of XXL as late as in march of this year, become a substantial fire after his profile on Facebook written disparaging comments about, among other things klimataktivisten Greta Thunberg. “

“In a thread about her visit in the EUROPEAN parliament will Sigvardsson wrote that the 16-year-old is ”as close to down as you can get” and made several negative comments about her Aspergerdiagnos.”

“the Profile has also written offensive statements about immigrants in other closed groups. “

“the Founder, ”Is a sensible guy””

“To Aftonbladet says Per Sigvardsson that he barely uses his Facebook account, and it must therefore have been hacked. “

” I have now contacted my lawyer, someone must have had access to my account. It is jättemärkligt.”

“in Spite of the criticism defends XXL-founder Øivind Tidemandsen its ceo, which he says have ”full confidence”, which the Norwegian E24 reported. “

“– We have 100% confidence of Per, says Tidemandsen and continues:”

“– He has been hacked, this is not something he stands for at all. He is a sensible guy who I have known for many years, ” says Tidemandsen in connection with the company’s quarterly report was presented.”

“Will introduce new routines”

“On the question what they know about the event, say Tidemandsen you know when the account was hacked. “

“– There are three message that has come out that does not come from Per, ” says Tidemandsen and adds that it is scary that such attacks can take place.”

“He also says that there will now be new arrangements for both IT-security and work culture. “

“– We must see what we can do that something similar will not happen to other managers in the company.”