“Several shooting stars that wait in the night”

“the Earth hits the comet Thatcher’s tail”

“At the end of the month of april each year hits the earth, the comet Thatcher’s tail of dust and pebbles.”

“When it happens, you can see the rain of shooting stars called ”Lyriderna”.”

“In the night it is time again.”

“At the end of april each year, the ports of the earth in the comet Thatcher’s tail of dust and residue. When it occurs, can you see the rain of shooting stars called Lyriderna.”

“And in the night between the 22 and 23 april, it happens again. The best chance to see shooting stars is between the hours of 2 and 3 in the morning.”

“It is reported by the magazine science Illustrated.”

“the Newspaper writes that it takes the comet Thatcher throughout the 415 years to travel once around the sun.”

“the Comet is composed of rock and dust and, when it moves leaves behind a tail. Each april the ports of the earth in the middle of this tail which leads to the rock crashing into the atmosphere and burns up.”

“According to science Illustrated, you can see between ten and 20 shooting stars in an hour under a clear and dark conditions.”

“look up at the sky in the night if you want to see shooting stars.”

“More intense in some years.”

“In some years intensifies the cut, because the earth passes through a thicker part of the stoftspåren.”

“It can result in a meteorstorm. “

“in the Year 1982, a storm with 90 meteors per hour, but even stronger storms may occur. “

“Arising in connection with a major meteor shatter or when earth’s orbit intersects the path of an old periodic comet. Then, ”