The mint, from Latin Mentha spicata, is one of Nelly Richinas favorite herbs. “It tastes very stomach aromatic, and is doing, and intestines. That’s why I drink after a big meal like a Cup of it,” says the 32-Year-old. The tea is very to burn is mild and causes – in contrast to peppermint, even in people with sensitive stomach not a stomach.

Nelly Richina, Swiss certified pharmacist, you must know. Because in their mountain-Apotheke at Stauffacher square in Zurich, about 2000 medicinal herbs, spices and extracts from around the world are available. One enters the largest herbal pharmacy of Switzerland, one notices immediately that this is no ordinary pharmacy: The subtle fragrance of herbs, spices and essential Oils in the air. Instead of a myriad of drawers with pills and tablets each other cans with the variety of herbs line the shelves of big metal. These are processed into specialities and tea blends, Herbal ointments, and baths, Oils, and tinctures.

“plugged In medicinal herbs is incredibly a lot of strength,” says Nelly Richina. “Almost every health Problem a herb is grown.” So yarrow menstruation reduces complaints, milk Thistle is good for the liver, and Ginseng helps with fatigue and Pansy for blemished skin. In Richinas pharmacy, the recipes are often made in close collaboration with natural health practitioners and Doctors. “For the healing process, it is important that the correct funding from the school of medicine or naturopathy, select,” says Nelly Richina. Ideally, you would complement.


Take herbal medicine?

Yes, I’ve had good experiences with it.
Yes, but only in the case of smaller aches and pains.
no, the effect is too weak.

Yes, I’ve had good experiences with it.


Yes, but only in the case of smaller aches and pains.


no, the effect is too weak.


98 votes

Yes, I’ve had good experiences with it.


Yes, but only in the case of smaller aches and pains.


no, the effect is too weak.


98 votes

An important part of your professional day-to-day advice. “Herbal medicine works well – but you must apply them correctly. My Team and me it is important, therefore, that we find an individual solution.” For this you must be able to listen well and ask the right questions. And, of course, an extensive Knowledge of medicinal plants. Where did the young pharmacist, this Know-how?

“During my pharmacy studies at the ETH Zurich, the herbal medicine was more of a side-issue,” says Nelly Richina. But to plant the love and the Knowledge of its healing effect has been virtually placed in the cradle. “I grew up in a small Ticino valley. It was quite obvious that you are gathering plants and herbs, and processed these teas, remedies or liquor.”

a Lot of you Know also owes her former boss, the pharmacist Andreas Lenherr, who made the mountain in the pharmacy as a centre of expertise of the herbal medicine well known for. For five years, Richina has worked with him as a pharmacist. At just 29 years of age, she took over the pharmacy as a managing Director. A demanding task. It is not only to lead the Team with 18 people in a competent, it also carries a great responsibility.

herbs that have side effects

Because even in the case of medicinal plants there are side effects that need to be informed about the customers. However, the unwanted side effects are pronounced in comparison to conventional drugs mostly less. “Many of the herbs have substances with a whole Wealth of content, different effects,” says the pharmacist. “This mixture of uses therefore not only at a point in the body, but very different.”

As the African devil acts, for example, claw not only as conventional products, anti-inflammatory, but also stimulates your metabolism and promotes the healing process. In the consultation, it is also important to know whether and what medications clients are taking. “In General, plants tolerate treatment well with medication. But in individual cases, for example, when St. John’s wort, can they influence each other in their effect.”

In the mountain in the pharmacy are also sold in a very “normal” medicines. This is, of course. “We are also an emergency pharmacy is open seven days per week,” says Nelly Richina. Your love is definitely the herbs. These are sourced whenever possible from organic cultivation. In the case of medicinal herbs from Chinese and Ayurvedic is medicine this is not always possible. These are very much in demand, among other things, of customers who have made travelling Abroad a positive experience. And who else belongs to the clientele? “The bandwidth is large. Younger women and men with children, but also older people since their Childhood with herbs familiar. People with severe diseases as well as people who just want to have a Cup of tea against cough.”

health with herbs

But also a Healthy interest in herbal medicine for the prevention, counting to their customers. “Medicinal herbs can help to strengthen the organism or the immune system sustainable, so that a recovery and a healthy attitude are achieved.”

And what Nelly Richina are doing to stay healthy? “I love my work here very much, but I make sure I have time for me. Then I like to do a lot of sports, visits to language courses or travel to my family in Ticino.”

Here you will get healing herbs with advice

the Zurich – mountain-pharmacy Stauffacherstrasse 26,

Bern – Bollwerk Apotheke AG, Bollwerk 15,

Basel – Saner Apotheke AG, Viaduktstrasse 12,

Schwyz – Mythen pharmacy drugstore,

(the Swiss family)

Created: 22.04.2019, 19:28 PM