a Total of eight bombs exploded in the easter terrorist attack in Sri Lanka. Most of the deaths were required in the three churches which were attacked. The bombs were triggered also in hotels.

Four of the explosions occurred virtually at the same time, at 08.45 in the morning local time. Within 20 minutes the two came to, and a few hours later the last two.

So here are the eight explosions of witnesses and other sources:

the Devastation in Saint Anthony. Photo: Hiru TV/AP Saint Anthonykyrkan, Colombo, 08.45

in the Middle of påskmässan in the morning if a bomb explodes in the historic catholic church near the port in the Sri Lankan capital.

the Blast is so intense that large parts of the roof blown off. The floor filled quickly by the lifeless bodies among the nedrasade roof tiles, broken glass and splinters were.

CNN speaks with Ramoshini Fernando, a catholic nun, who has lost several friends and so when their own father. The father is now receiving medical treatment in a hospital with a shattering. Fernando hopes that catholics now hold it together, ” she says. But she is aware that she may be a target and don’t feel safe.

” I’m not afraid to die to self, but to kill innocent people with families is shocking.

Saint Sebastiankyrkan, Negombo, 08.45

Dilip Fernando has planned to participate in the Saint Sebastian påskdagsmässa. He usually go there on Sundays. But when he and his wife will arrive at the church is where so many people that they decide to go to mass in another church, ” says Fernando for the AFP. It saves their lives.

An hour after they left and explode the bomb. The bang is as marked as in the Saint Anthonykyrkan. Dozens of people die.

Relatives of Dilip Fernando who remained in the fair – solid outdoor, because it is full of the church – tells us that they believe that they have seen bombmannen. Just before the service is over, a man in his mid-30s, quietly walking towards the church with a heavy bag in hand. He touches one of Fernando’s grandchildren on the way. The relatives think it is strange that he goes into the church when påskmässan is almost over. Shortly after he entered the violent bang.

an hour after the explosion reaches the DN Paul Perreira on the phone from Negombo. He has been in the social media posted several gruesome pictures of the devastation in Saint Sebastiankyrkan. The images he has received from friends who were there.

“We hear about several bomb explosions in the country, but we do not know what is behind it,” says Perreira.

– It is easter Sunday today, and therefore there was an unusual amount of people in the churches today.

the Devastation in the Saint Sebastian. Photo: Jewel Samad/AFP

Hotel Shangri-La, Colombo, 08.45

the Attack takes place at the café Table One of the lyxhotellets on the second floor. The destruction becomes widespread. Window blown out. Electric cables hang from the ceiling.

A tv director and her daughter are among those killed, says relatives for CNN. A daughter has just before the fatal detonation posted a picture on social media of happy families who eat luxurious påskfrukost.

another british family eat also breakfast in Table One. The 42-year-old mother in the family and her eleven year old son stood in the queue for the buffet. They are believed to have been killed.

It occurs in fact, the two explosions, ” says Akshat Saraf, 30. He hears the first all the way up to his room on the 25th floor of a luxury hotel with a total of 500 rooms. The blast is so strong that the Sarafs room begins to shake. He believes there is a thunderstorm. It is when the second hit, he will sense that something is not right.

Saraf and his wife are jerks for the passports and take the via nödtrappan down to the ground floor. When they reach the fourth floor see the blood on the stairs.

Outside help hotel staff damaged. ”It is a horrible sight,” says Saraf. Some of the victims have shards of glass inserted into the body. Some of the chefs have received their white aprons red of blood.

Police investigating the hotel Shangri-La Photo: Chamila Karunarathne/AP

Hotel Kingsbury, Colombo, 08.45

It is still unclear if any casualties at the Kingsbury, one of Colombo’s most expensive hotel, located in the vicinity of the city’s commercial office building the World Trade Centre.

Those injured in the explosion can be immediately taken to hospital for treatment, according to the hotel management. It ”isolated” for security controls to be implemented.

the Management writes on his Facebook page: ”On the whole the staff’s behalf, we participate in the shock, the tribulation and the whole nation’s grief in the afterbirth of the attack.”

Damaged the hotel Kingsbury. Photo: Jewel Samad/AFP Hotel Cinnamon Grand, Colombo, 08.50

the suicide bomber is a pawn in the hands in the queue to the breakfast buffet in the crowded restaurant. He is almost at the serveringsdisken when he triggers the explosive device he has glued on the back, writes the Daily Mail.

the Offender is lankes and have the evening pre-registered at the hotel as Mohammed legal battle Mohamed.

the Explosion causing complete chaos. One of the fatalities is a hotel manager who keeps on and welcome the guests. The rest of the staff do what they can to quickly bring the approximately 20 wounded to the hospital. The hotel is located near the prime minister’s residence, and specialpoliser from there you can quickly get to the site.

Julian Emmanuel and his family from the Uk is brought in her room by the explosion. Soon, you hear sirens from ambulances, fire trucks and police cars. Emmanuels family will know that it slammed a bomb, and they are instructed to take out.

Outside the Zionkyrkan. Photo: Lakruwan Wanniarachchi/AFP Zionkyrkan, Batticaloa, 09.05

In the catholic church in the town on the island’s east coast, the children’s Sunday school just finished when the bomb explodes. Half of the 28 deaths which is required is the children. The pictures show the same kind of sorgesamma scenes in the other two affected churches: the mangled bodies on the floor and blood-stained benches and sculptures.

The violent blast also causes a fire that burns down almost half of the church.

” All carry very deep sadness and fear, but we will get through this. When churches are burned and christians are subject to attacks, it makes us only stronger. We will take care of the damaged and building up the church again, ” says the church leader Jacob Ratnam to the TT.

Hotels in New Tropical Inn, Colombo, 13.45

Several hours after the first explosions at various luxury hotels to detonate a bomb in a simpler guest house near the zoological garden Dehiwala, in the district with the same name just south of Colombo.

Asela Waidyalankara hear the explosion at the New Tropical Inn. He goes up on his roof blocks next to see what happened. He sees the two helicopters, the danger past and hear the sirens, ” he tells us on Twitter.

Two people die in the explosion. An eyewitness says in the local tv, that he had seen body parts, including a head, lying on the ground near the guest house’s trevåningsbyggnad. The zoological garden is closed.

Polisräden in Colombo. Photo: Ishara S Kodikara/AFP Residential, Colombo, 14.15

the Police have in a few hours followed the trail and hunted the suspects of the attacks. At 14 the time you decide to do a raid in a property in the district of Dematagoda in the east of Colombo. It has received tips that there may be explosives and homemade bombs there.

When the police come into the house to detonate a bomb and three police officers are killed. At the same time breaking out the fire in the house.

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