It is unclear how large an area it is burning, but rescue teams have managed to get around the fire. It is an area of about 800×600 yards standing in the fire.

– We’ve circled it with the hose and have also begun to vattenbomba with the helicopter, ” says Jonas Petri.

to fight the fire, which started earlier in the easter Monday.

”the Emergency services will come to extinguish the fires and brandplatserna will then be blocked off for technical examination,” write the police on their website.

– There is still a risk of contagion, ” says Jonas Petri. We do not have the fire under control yet.

the Accommodations in the vicinity are urged to close windows and ventilation systems, reports the P4 Jönköping , but there are currently no plans to vacate the area.

“We do not see that there is a evakueringsrisk whatsoever in the current situation,” says Jonas Petri.

Later on Monday afternoon was still work to call in the fire.

” We are still in the outer edges of the fire and trying to prevent the spread outwards. Thus, we have not started the actual fighting yet.

than three fires ravaged the Gislavedsområdet. The emergency services can’t see any natural explanation for the fires, why the police is now investigating if they can be landscaped.

It is very dry in the chips right now, and the fire chief in preparedness, Jonas Petri, does not preclude a eldningsförbud introduced in the coming days. SMHI has, during the easter holidays gone out and warned about forest fires and grass fires in large parts of southern Sweden.

“It burns, at times, up in the trees, so it is very dry,” says Jonas Petri. As it looks now we will be on site for a very long time.

it has been burnt in several places around in the south of Sweden, including the crucian Carp, Fliseryd and Långemåla.

In Skåne is burning a thousand square meters area in the vicinity of the lake Raslången in Kristianstad municipality. Where has the rescue service been using boats to get around the fire.

During Sunday burned also greatly in the forest at the se breanäs east of Sibbhult in Östra Göinge. The fire was extinguished after more than four hours.

came a new alarm if a fire into, this time in Tjällmo, Motala. Seventeen firefighters and six släckresurser from the Emergency services in Motala, Tjällmo and Borensberg is right now on the site to attempt to extinguish the fire. It is an area of 200 times 200 metres, which burns.

Read more: the Risk of forest fires spreading