Classic has won for the fourth time in a row the men’s floorball league championship.Sami Johansson (kesk.) took the Classic lead avauserä. Timo Marttila

Tampere Classic won the men’s floorball league championship.

Classic crashed in Tampere, finland playing in a fifth final in Turku Ball club paints 4-2. Classic took the world series voitoin 4-1.

the Championship is the Classic follow the history of the fourth. SM-darlings have come together in the tube.

however, This was the first championship that Classic get to celebrate kotisali. Previously, the darlings come to Helsinki arena, where the championship was resolved in the previous three vuotana the super final of the time across the method.

the Classic has been dominated by domestic fields last year, but this season was exceptional.

Classic won the Finnish championship, in addition, also the Finnish cup and the long-coveted Champions Cup. In addition to dozens of classic’s players and coaches was winning the world championships in December.

Sami Johansson directed Konsta Tykkyläisen a fine pass to the back post for the finish. Timo Marttila