”Is there anyone who wants to have an egg?”

”the Family” get together. It’s been a while since the last time. Now, what is it we usually do when we meet? Eat and – well, just that – talk.

In the beginning it goes a bit slow, but after a while it becomes a discussion. It is about the Youtube phenomenon of the cuddling boyfriend/girlfriend: A (clothed) guy or girl is lying in the bed and viskpratar check in the camera to a fictitious partner. Some are for, others against. The argument is illogical and ill-informed (even my own), the threads are misplaced and changes the meaning, ideas and associations flowing in the void.

I stoppers the mouth full of cheese and slip out of the ”conversation”. What is it that makes us continue? I wonder and let myself be surrounded by the pleasant murmuring. Why we persist with trying to communicate, despite the obvious impossibility?

located on a mattress in my old boy’s room, I look at an inspirational lecture with Olof Röhlander. I have recently understood that he was appointed to this year’s speakers six times in the last few years, and am curious what he has to say.

He is a skilled speaker, undeniably, fun, upbeat, and good at improvising. It is more like a stand-up show than an inspirational lecture. In one sequence, he says that he’ll talk about rigidity and exemplifies with how to sit in the living room and the will to go and download kökssaxen. Well in the kitchen have you forgotten why you went there. You are forced to go back to the living room to get at the reasons why: the pair of scissors. It is made as a small sketch. The audience is laughing.

But, I think, well it’s not a locking issue, it is that you are disträ.

I look up his vinterprat. He declares that he shall dedicate it to tell you how it went when he left his wife. ”After the abrupt departure during that walk, I asked my wife if a few days of respite,” he says. Then wrote he an e-mail to her. ”It may seem cowardly of me not to hit her directly and instead just send an email” – No objections, but there was a reason? – ”but it was just not to look her in the eyes just then”. It is said with such a matter of course that it sounds like it would be a valid reason, a sustainable argument.

the expression, the turns and twists of phrases, not least in these pages, for what? People, myself included, not so very smart. Or rather: people can’t be bothered to be so amazingly smart. To really understand the meaning of a series of words or, even worse, reasoning, stacked after each other, not jätteansträngande, but enough that a majority of us at a very high extent, to refrain from making a sincere attempt.

So, instead of almost reaching each other, why don’t you give up once and for all? Not by keeping the trap shut, or go on retreat, but by becoming a little lax with the actual meaning. Who cares about what things mean? The important thing is how it feels and it sounds good.

Some of which – at one and the same time – commenting on and embracing it is the two norwegians Peder Jørgensen and Jesper Sundnes. They have created Inspirobot, an artificial intelligence that delivers random ”words of wisdom” with a touch of mindfulness on the conveyer belt. I get the ”Our eyes will someday create desires” on the first try. Magically (to use a word whose changed use requires a separate article), I think, and is filled with an intoxicating sense of meaningful meaninglessness.

David Wiberg. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

visdomsordssurfande later interrupted I by a message on the Messenger. It is from an old friend and is very concise: ”60.000”, it reads. Periodically, the old friend had it pretty tough. We have had many, long conversations. Sometimes I have not been able to answer. Then a little over a year back, our communication, in principle, only by a seemingly endless discussion on a fictional debt. In the beginning, we endeavoured that it would be fun, now we do barely there. But it feels good. We are ”together” and use the words.

I answer, ”No”, put me down on the mattress and catch sight of my face in an old mirror leaning against the wall. Then I experience what you, the carelessly expressed, could denote that satori, zenbuddhismens spiritual goals which, inter alia, described as a ”flash of insight” and a ”moment of non-thinking”.

Think, I think for lack of a better expression, if you baked together my and my friend’s Messenger-wire with Inspirobot and ”cuddling boyfriend/girlfriend”, and then spiced with Röhlanders and other inspirationsföreläsares available sense of the word. It could be a kind of language sanctuary, where meaning and meaninglessness tangent to each other, and where the people – and robots – the world over are talking straight out of the nothingness and to the millions of users on one and the same time.

on how the students, in a student housing project in the vicinity of my childhood home, every Monday night, at eleven o’clock, went out on the exterior galleries and roared out his anguish. My idea would have the same effect, it would become a worldwide, free form of therapy that would not only revolutionize the way people communicate – sorry, not communicate – but also to improve their mental health, which in turn would lead to increased GDP and …

Sorry. I can hear how it sounds. We live in a time where words and meaning become more important than ever. Concepts such as ”I know where you live” and ”No” is a telling example of that.

But maybe, just maybe, there are any philanthropic venture capitalist out there, with the help of an army of technical prodigy and twice many behavioral scientists and psychologists, perhaps even the prodigy, who would be able to lay out a digital platform where we are allowed to be a little lax with the words. Of course, provided with a clear, moral framework, but without any requirement that neither understand or make themselves understood. A bit like a logic darknet, but without the bombrecept and drugs-to-door services then. And without it, for the sake of becoming like Facebook.

do you Understand what I mean?