Lone Dröscher Nielsen stole the danes ‘ hearts, as she in 2013 starred in the ‘Lone and the orangutans – back to nature’ and ’the Lone and the orangutans – back to freedom’.
she gave a unique insight into the work she did with the many orangutans together with the organisation Save the orangutan, and her work earned her even the distinguished title of Knight of Dannebrog.
today, the situation is however completely different.
Lone Dröscher Nielsen has been fired from the organization and instead to be close to his beloved monkeys, she is in Wales, where she lives an economic hard reality.
Radio24syv has a connection with Lone Dröscher Nielsen’s firing made the application ‘of the Apes planet’, which focuses on the issues between the Lone Dröscher Nielsen and the leadership of the organization.
Lone was known from the programs of the orangutans, as she was ‘mother’ to Borneo. Photo: DR
For Extra Magazine tells Lone Dröscher Nielsen about his new reality in Wales.
– Right now I’m unemployed, and it is of course not so nice. I’m probably too specialized in my field. I’ve tried to search for jobs in a few supermarkets, but they are looking at me and saying that I’m too overqualified for the job. Other sites seek the people with a different education than mine, and I must just say that right now I do not know what is going to happen, she says into the phone.
She is sorry that the situation ended as it is, for she had not expected that her future would be without the presence of its orangutans.
– I’m obviously not very good with the dismissal. I had not expected that my future would look like this. I had envisaged that the organization would have more use for me and the donors, to which I have referred.
Lone lived in Borneo with her husband, where they created the world’s largest rehabilitation centre for orangutans. Photo: DR
According to the editor of the podcast from Radio24syv, Mikkel Clausen, Lone Dröscher Nielsen’s performance in the tv programmes helped to make a big difference to the number of donors.
It exploded after the programs, it writes the organization on their website, tells Mikkel Clausen.
On the website, verbatim: ‘In the years 2007-2009, where the DR showed the documentary ’the Woman with the monkeys’ about Lone Dröscher Nielsen and her work in Borneo as well as the BBC programme ‘Orangutan Diary’ from Nyaru Menteng, was orangutangernes situation really put on the agenda in Denmark and the number of supports grew almost explosively’.
And, according to Lone Dröscher Nielsen of the many donors who have supported her work, not that she is no longer employed in the organization.
– It is so hard!!! When I had a birthday, there was this here Facebook page, where there came so many congratulations, and where they wrote, how nice it is with the work I’m doing. And I’m sitting so with a bad taste in the mouth, because I did not do those things. I had not been allowed to in a year, she says, and continues:
– I have it bad over, and the most important thing for me is now also to tell you that I am no longer in the organization, but at the same time, I would still like people to support the orangutans, she rolls fast.
the Orangutans must now do without the Lone. Photo: DR
Lone Dröscher Nielsen tells that the reason that she was fired because she could not cooperate with the new director Hanne Gürtler.
– We just had really bad chemistry. But the excuse started to be that they would shut down the department I was assigned in England, but now that a year has gone by, and the department is still running, she explains.
On the website is the official explanation also, that the department closes.
‘Red Orangutangen has since 2011 worked closely with similar organisations in Sweden and in England & Wales under the common name of the Save the Orangutan. By the end of 2017, it was found that sampling in Sweden and Denmark went beyond all expectations, while the sampling in England and Wales were far from profitable. Therefore, it was decided to shut down in England & Wales in order to concentrate on Scandinavia.
It also meant that the Lone Dröscher Nielsen, who is resident in Wales, no longer is employed in the English and welsh organisation. The opportunities of forward to associate Lone Dröscher Nielsen as a consultant for the Danish organisation were explored, but unfortunately I did not succeed to achieve agreement on the modalities for doing so’, says on it website.
Lone Dröscher Nielsen tells that the disagreement went on, she could not get the promise to be involved in the welfare of animals – and perhaps would not be allowed to work with the monkeys.
the Lone and Hanne could, according to Lone not find a common understanding. Lone turns, however, that Hanne is a skilled animal welfare, but she just has never seen an orangutan in real life. Photo: DR
Right now there are Lone Dröscher Nielsen, therefore, have to live on her savings, but as she says, she has ben in the nose and is sure she will find something else.
– I find enough out of it, so may I make a dog kennel or something. I should probably clear me. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, just I can make something, she says.
She admits, however, that she wants to return to its orangutans.
– I miss them so much, that it hurts in the stomach every other day. It is my children, she says.
this is Why she also started to create an association with another orangutan organization, so she at a time can get back to Borneo.
Hanne Gürtler, director of the Danish branch of Save the orangutan, not to speak out in a civil service and therefore have no comments on the firing of Lone Dröscher Nielsen.
the Lone miss the monkeys all the way into the bones. After she has lost her dog, makes it all the more hurt to be away from them. Photo: DR