Gent Dok Noord underwent the past years is a true metamorphosis. The shopping center, huge new apartment blocks and soon also 29 brand-new social housing. The owners of one old house, refused to sell and so there is now just around that one house is built around.
Two ordinary houses are still standing there in the Sassevaartstraat. The first one is completely finished and will soon go under demolition. The second house is still inhabited. It is rented by a Turkish family.
The owner confirms that in the past, attempts have been done to the property to sell. “We wanted to exchange an apartment and money. They asked us the price down, and so we asked two apartments in exchange. Eventually, the property never sold hit”, sounds.
Soon start the work on 29 social housing, where now the Sassevaartpark. “That one house remains,” explains Mieke Dupont of housing company ABC. “These people have rich counted, but probably have to set high standards. We will soon start to build around the house in question.”
the planned structures, in their turn, then again, resentment among the current residents of the apartment blocks. “I have, at the time, bought an apartment with the promise that our terrace would overlook the Sassevaartpark. Now it appears that we will overlook another apartment block. We have 30 people objected and went to the council for vergunningsbetwistingen to the licence cancelling. The housing company does however not take into account. We are deceived when we our apartments bought,” says Elsie Geirnaert.
housing company ABC certifies that the work is soon to launched will be. “Indeed, there is a process running, but that does not work shelving. So, We can start. Until now We have already two times the clear winner. We are sure of our piece, and everything is checked by lawyers,” what it sounds like.
Problems with emergency
That one house makes for even more problems. At the height of that house would normally be an emergency.
Who is responsible for ensuring that in the event of a fire the fire brigade to the apartments touches. A pure necessity was emergency by the Sassevaartpark laid. By the new construction plans expire which emergency, however, and should the fire department from now through a very narrow corridor to the apartments.