“Rysslandsutredningen which has now been published – albeit shortened – is a victory for president Donald Trump.”

“It says US researcher Frida Stranne stress that we should not have seen the end of the debate – and she is joined by her colleague Erik Åsard.”

“the Report concludes that Russia certainly tried to influence the u.s. presidential election in 2016 when Donald Trump came to power, but that the Trumps of the campaign, did not cooperate with the russians. Stranne says that the conclusion fattens Trumps etablissemangskritik, as he will now be able to add on further.”

“– It is just what Trump needs to get fixed, it is a great victory for him in that he can continue to say that he has been the victim of a smear campaign, or that his opponents have been looking for him, says Stranne, USA-researchers at the University of Halmstad.”

“Calls for self-criticism”

“Frida Stranne think that both the media and Trump’s political opponents have reason to be self-critical, given the focus that has been on the potential links between Russia and his campaign since he took office.”

” Sometimes you got the feeling that there is a basis for riksrättsåtal, when there have not been any indications of it. Trump has accomplished a lot during his time in power, but much has been overlooked because of the constant emphasis on Rysslandsutredningen, says Stranne.”

“But is not yet the question is completely outdated.”

“– the Democrats will do what they can to go through the report and ask follow-up questions at a hearing in congress, to show that Trump has acted in a non-presidentaktigt way, ” she says.”

“A strategic move?”

“Erik Åsard, professor emeritus of Nordamerikastudier at Uppsala university, agrees that the debate will continue, particularly as to whether Trump has been guilty of trying to influence the investigation. Erik Åsard think it is particularly interesting to the investigator Robert Mueller do not say definitely either way on the issue – something that could be a strategic move.”

“– In the report’s introduction, is a memo from the justice department stating that it is not possible to prosecute a sitting president. Just Trumps any obstruction of justice is the key issue that will dominate the debate. Instead of putting down the foot, so he’s leaving it to congress to decide.”

“– When Trump once again become a civilian after his presidency you can come back to this and prosecute him in the civil courts, but it is a very recent history.”