A large group klimaaktivister, who in recent days has created havoc in the british capital, London, on Friday and moved their demonstrations to the Europe’s busiest airport, Heathrow.

This was stated by the protesters, who come from the group Extinction Rebellion.

They report that they will intensify their protests, as long as the british government takes new steps to combat climate change.

Since Monday has klimaaktivister blocked both the bridges and roads in London.

the Police have in the course of the last four days arrested over 500 activists.

London police has urged the group to reconsider Friday’s notice of the action by the large Heathrow airport.

the Reason is, that the demonstration may “cause interference, and despair of thousands of travelers – many of them families – in the course of the passover”.

Demonstrators can expect a large police presence.

– We are determined to keep the airport running, saith the vicepolitidirektør Nick Ephgrave.

Heathrow airport states that the airport “collaborates with the authorities to deal with the disturbance of the airport, as the demonstrators may pose”.

One of the Extinction Rebellion-the group’s co-founders, Gail Bradbrook, says that “many people are joining us all the time”.

– It is certainly a possibility that we will step up our tactics, if our demands not met, says Gail Bradbrook.

The british home secretary, Sajid Javid, has condemned the demonstrations.

– I expect the police to answer the protests hard and use all of its legal rights, says Sajid Javid.