We may as well warn in advance:

Sex is NOT on the psychotherapist Barton Goldsmiths list of things that increase the cohesion in your relationship.

nevertheless, you will experience significant improvement, if you follow these handlingsanvisende council.

Show your gf that you’re concerned you about him, both in the small and in the large: Hold the door, low food, the server for a cup of tea, ‘I love you’. Perform the everyday, small miracles of random acts of kindness – perform small services and show care to your girlfriend.

Is your girlfriend about to faint from the stress, so please be considerate and help him with the tasks, even if it is møgirriterende for you. She can’t fall asleep, because you are as a grillkylling in bed, then went down and slept on the couch. When your girlfriend discovers that you do something extra for him or her, realize him that you really love him/her.

the Willingness (and also ability) to communicate is the basis for all good relationships. It is best to talk about things face to face, but if you do not manage to say what’s on your mind, then write it. Do not burn inside with it, for it ends in bitterness.

When times get tough, the waves go high, and you just KNOW you are right and your girlfriend is completely out of the woods, the willingness to compromise is invaluable. Maybe you don’t get what you want every time, but you get what you need.

The good relationship blooms in the security. Your girlfriend need to know that the relationship is not falling apart, and that you love him/her. Security is also to know that you catch her if she falls. Security is to rely on, to blottelsen in to fx tell about his (sexual)desires are received open and non-judgmental.

Conversely, it is utrygt, yes, deadly if you threaten, directly or indirectly, to take, when you have a conflict.

Then realize that you can disagree and still be one unit.

Your bad mood, your stress and your worries spreads to your partner, irrespective of the fact whether you are one of them, intentionally or not, It can be the small things, your tone, your attitude or your actions, that makes your gf uncomfortable or creepy.

So, instead of in the small (or big) to go around and punish your lover with your pointed tone, and irritable behavior – whether it is her, that is the reason for your bad mood or not – so show your love instead, and make each other’s lives more pleasant. Life is too short and precious to go around and have the shit over, that her boyfriend is angry.

Few things are so wonderful as to feel that you really are appreciated by the boyfriend. To feel that you are the most important person in your partner’s life, is worth its weight in gold. It provides the strength and self-esteem (in the family this is to be the subject of his girlfriend). So show that you really appreciate your partner, he can be found. .

Be a one-man cheerleading: To correct your spine and can clear the long variety of large and small tribulations and modbydeligheder, when one has his own klakør, which supports and helps and intervenes.

All in all, it is the classical virtues to be a good person, it comes about. And wait us, if not the bonner out of the bed. For all know well that a happy relationship increases the likelihood of a satisfactory sex life.

Thus it was all a little bit about sex anyway.