“So do you eat means that the plans we in the easter”

“One of the big mathelgerna is here.”

“world wildlife fund (WWF) calls on swedes to eat more climate-smart in easter.”

“During the passover eaten the copious amounts of food for a few days. WWF allows the council to choose food with the right origin.”

“– Easter associate the lot with the eggs. When buying eggs, I think one should choose Kravcertifierade or organic eggs. The chickens have had a better environment and a more varied food. To eggs usually have herring and it is a very good fish to eat. It can be an advantage to choose MSC-certified herring”, says Inger Näslund, fiskeexpert at the WWF.”

“Many also eat salmon during the easter and Inger Näslund allows the council to also choose the MSC label when it comes to wild salmon. The one who buys farmed salmon should make sure that it is eco-labelled. However, the WWF wants us completely, world of the eel.”

“– Eels we are saying no to. It is critically endangered.”

“Lamb is popular during easter. Also in this case, it is recommended to choose the lamb that is certified or organic.”

” if you’re going To eat more climate-you should also eat more vegetables and root vegetables. Have a large salad buffet to easter, ” says Inger Näslund.”