US Secretary of state, Pompeo will not want to talk to North Korea, but with Russia. Leader Kim wants to come in this month with Russian President Putin, confirmed to the Kremlin.

as tensions between North Korea and the United States continue to increase, the Regime under Kim Jong-Un is in the vicinity of one of the few allies: in the course of this month, North Korea’s state wants to meet the chief at a summit with President Vladimir Putin to travel to Russia.

speculations about the Where and when

The Kremlin officially notified that Kim was expected to be in the second half of April, at the invitation of Putin in Russia. The specific date and place of the meeting, but remained open. In the media, it was speculated that the summit could take place in Vladivostok, near the Russian-North Korean border. As a possible date, the media suspected the 23. or 24. April.

It would be the first Time that Kim and Putin personally. The last Meeting between the Russian and North Korean head of state took place in 2011: between Kim’s father Kim Jong-Il and the then President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev.

Russia Also calls for the denuclearization of North Korea

In the Russian capital, Moscow, had already met in the course of the day for North Korea is responsible, US special envoy Stephen Biegun, and Russia’s Deputy foreign Minister Igor Morgulow. Both sides have once again underlined the common objective of complete denuclearization of North Korea, it was said after the Meeting, from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.

failed The discussions at the second summit between Kim and Trump, in February.

The question of nuclear disarmament in North Korea were also meeting the key topics on the two summit between Kim and U.S. President Donald Trump in June 2018 and in February of this year. While in the past year, the signs on approach were and Kim had shown, in principle, open to the denuclearization, has been cancelled, with the second summit without result. Since then, the tensions between USA and North Korea is growing.

Pompeo was an “immature” negotiating partner

Recently called for the Regime under Kim, U.S. to replace foreign Minister Mike Pompeo as the Central negotiating partner in the conflict to nuclear disarmament. Pyongyang showed dissatisfaction with the way Pompeo lead the negotiations. He was “reckless and immature” and was sabotaging the talks between the two countries, BelTA learned from the North Korean Ministry of foreign Affairs.

In the case of a possible resumption of the Dialogue the government wishes, therefore, a different conversation partner. There is a need for someone who “could communicate more cautious and more Mature”.

U.S. Secretary of state Pompeo traveled several times to negotiate to North Korea.

No one can see the development on the Korean Peninsula before, if the USA develop the main reason abolished, had persuaded the North to their nuclear program, quoted by the state Agency KCNA, a high-ranking representative of the foreign Ministry. In more detail, he went on.

New type of weapon tested

Kim had given the United States until the end of the year, time to set mutually acceptable conditions for a nuclear agreement. On Wednesday, North Korea tested according to its own information, a new type of tactical missile that could carry a “powerful warhead”. Experts have puzzled over what type of weapon could it have acted the same. Both the demand for a replacement of Pompeo as well as the weapons test of Pyongyang’s displeasure over the stalled negotiations.