certainties to the dirty questions of everyday life is often missing. When the kitchen sponge? How often and how thoroughly should you clean the refrigerator? The fact everyone has his own answer.

cleanliness is a matter of definition: What one feels as clean as a whistle, calls forth the other’s disgust. How to clean, to you in General, just from home, without the habits of the parents. However, where it is chafed in the past nor with vinegar-based cleaner, you can swiffern today, the “ground”. And where earlier only the cleanliness was one, today, also thinking about the environmental impact.

Two experts who can answer all your questions about the spring cleaning on the cutting edge of science, Markus Egert, a microbiologist and hygienist, and Elke Wieczorek, President of the German professional Association of the household leading. From spring cleaning, the expert advises, by the way, because you have the sick from the Brush. Better not be it, you use it to scrub the entire apartment at once, but only one space per day – but “properly and thoroughly”.

How often should I change the sheets?
dirt Level: a Million bacteria per square centimeter.

Microbiology: “Dirty linen, no health Problem, just an aesthetic. Also if you go all sweaty in the bed, there to eat, the bed linen four months on it – not a Problem from a microbiological point of view. At least for non-Allergy sufferers. A grimy bed will not make you sick. If there are infections or lice, you have to change the sheets, of course, and hot washed. For me, the bed is all of two weeks.”

The home Economics champion: “It depends on a number of factors: How many people sleep in the same bed, sleep in pajamas or naked, you sweat basically, a little or a lot, summer or Winter, freshly showered into the bed? The common is that the bed linen looks superficially clean. Sweat and skin cells you can hardly see. My tip: You should change the bed linen once a week. For more than two weeks, I would let you but not on it. Best of all, you smell right after the shower to the bed stuff, because then you have almost no odor and so are most likely to be able to judge whether a new Set is necessary.”

The kitchen sponge, throw it away or clean it?
dirt-Level: ten billion bacteria per cubic centimeter.

Microbiology: “We have a study conducted to sponges. In them you will find gigantic quantities of microbes. A “Mature” sponge you can wash it at 60, even better at 90 degrees. It is important to use detergent in powder form, because the bleach contains. The best time to wash sponges in the washing machine, but the dishwasher also. To put the dirty kitchen sponge in the microwave, as is sometimes recommended, does not bring much, because he is hot enough. When Washing survival, however, the regrowth of microbes. The microbial communities survive that are more dangerous than normal. Therefore, I would use every one to two weeks of a new kitchen sponge. You can use the discarded sponges for things that don’t need to be as clean as the dishes.”

kitchen sponges are to be found gigantic quantities of microbes, If at all, you should wash them at 60, even better at 90 degrees. Photo: Getty

The home Economics champion: “I use no sponges, because of bacterial contamination due to the large surface very quickly. Only for Scrubbing of pans I use specifically sponges. Otherwise, are dish cloths better that I wash at 60 degrees with detergent powder. The bleach in it kills germs and is not included in the liquid color detergents.”

How often do you have to clean the fridge?
dirt-Level: ten million bacteria per square centimeter.

Microbiology: “The fridge is the Hotspot number one for bacteria, significantly more dangerous than the toilet. It is a gateway for germs. This is particularly sensitive because it food store. Unlike many assume, not die, microbes in the fridge, their growth slows down. Ideally, the food to be Packed to give (up on fruit). The temperature should be four to seven degrees. Once or twice a month, you should make the fridge clean with dish detergent, lemon – or vinegar-based cleaner.”

The home Economics champion: “is vinegar-based cleaner is too aggressive and has a strong odor. Better wipes with water and a drop of dish detergent. The seals and the handle will not forget! If the food is in bowls or on plates, you don’t need to clean as often, just once in a month.”

How many Cutting boards do you need?
dirt-Level: 10’000 bacteria per square centimeter.

Microbiology: “is A No-go is to cut a salad on the Board, on the above, a thawed chicken. Otherwise, a single Board would be sufficient if you clean it properly. There are arguments for and against plastic boards – you can enter at 60 degrees in the dishwasher, you get cracks. Wood is anti-microbial, swells. Glass boards have the disadvantage that they can slide quickly from the Hand. I must admit that I use a wooden Board and contrary to all the advice in the dishwasher.”

The home Economics champion: “For fish, meat and poultry, you can’t use a Board, you need for each food category a private. The Board immediately after use with hot water and dish detergent to clean – or better still in the dishwasher. Under no circumstances are you allowed to be on the uncleaned Board salads or other foods eaten raw agreed to cut.”

Is it good to wash clothes in only 15 or 30 degrees?
dirt Level: a Million bacteria per square centimeter.

Microbiology: “It is all the more hygienic, the hotter you wash and the more aggressive the detergent. Clothing with direct skin, you should wash contact hot. If someone was sick or an infection such as foot fungus had, you need to wash at at least 60 degrees with detergent powder. Thus, the machine starts to stink, you should you and at the blank at 90 degrees. I recommend the Laundry outside to hang up the sun light has an anti-microbial.”

in Between, the washing machine is in need of a hot wash, to kill bacteria. Photo: Getty

to wash The home Economics champion: “Permanently at 15 degrees, is good. Once a month you should leave the machine at 60 degrees with detergent powder through the disinfected and prevented, that it begins to stink. The bleach in the detergent, the machine germ. After each wash, you should consider the Einspülkammer out and the door open to allow both to dry. Be easily sweaty clothes can be washed cold, but the critical textiles – Laundry and kitchen – you should wash at 60 degrees. It is important to dose the detergent precisely. To do this, you should research the degree of hardness of the water. Many people pour indiscriminately detergent.”

How to clean the toilet?
dirt-Level: 100 bacteria per square centimeter.

Microbiology: “The human being has an innate disgust for feces. Therefore, the toilet is cleaned very well. It is only the perceived germs Hotspot. Do not need to disinfect it in the normal case. It is important, that when rinsing is always the lid is on, so there is no Spray from the toilet bowl, and a microbe char in the room.”

The home Economics champion: “The bowl is cleaned with the toilet brush. In the case of slight soiling something enough all-purpose cleaner for heavy soiling, you take a toilet cleaner. The outside is cleaned with a all purpose cleaner solution, of the seat also.”

you Can clean an apartment to clean?
dirt-Level: feels like zero bacteria per cubic centimeter.

Microbiology: “There is no scientific study about whether or not disinfectant to improve the public health. From my experience, the suspicion is that it is money-making. Water, cloths, washing-up liquid. Vinegar and lemon cleaner. An apartment only needs to be cleaned, anti-microbial, when someone is sick or immunocompromised. Children should be expose to diverse microbes. At best you are out a lot and come in contact with animals. It has been proven that the health is beneficial.”

The home Economics champion: “Without a disease in the family, such as a Norovirus, it is not necessary to disinfect. A good standard of hygiene is sufficient enough.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 17.04.2019, 18:08 PM