“No, the western world has not fallen now, either”

“Scarcely had the Paris pompiers arrived before althögern started dizzy on the French destruction of western civilization cases. “

“But time to dispel rökdimmorna. “

“Europe’s best selfiekuliss will survive even this. “

“an accident in the renovation work seems to be behind the fire in Notre Dame plays of course no role for the right wing, who immediately began to spread conspiracies about the wars of religion in social media. Or, even better, if that pk-media is already mörkat who lit the spark. “

“But even the usually moderate voices of the painted pitch-black, domedagsstämningar the face of the smoke-filled kyrkspiran. “

“Suddenly, there was nothing more important in the otherwise secular, religionskritiska France than to save a few holy relics that are said to have belonged to Jesus. People who would never set foot in a catholic worship tallied up in sacred hymns and in örebro, to the rose window. “

“”The end of everything,” intoned the former foreign minister Carl Bildt on Twitter, while the French saw the most miraculous since the revolution – a French president who mourned a church in the tv. Hallelujah! “

“It was a strange apocalyptic display the face of a house like most has a turistselfie-relationship. “

“Besides, you goth kids who love gargoyler, then.”

“of course it is terrible to see the history of in flames, but you wonder when was these kulturarvstårar was when mosques, churches and ancient shrines skövlades in, for example, the war in Syria and Iraq? Often where it was also taken many lives. Through Notre Dame, we get the perspective on the destruction of Palmyra, Nimrud, Al askari, all the same key parts of our common cultural heritage. Yes, our – what than tokhögern claims. These tragedies often become news in the newspapers. “

“the Difference is that Europe has the resources to fix what is broken. Louis Vuitton-billionaires have already injected hundreds of millions to restore the Notre dame razed roof. Funnily enough, the same wealthy upper class of Macros called for huge tax cuts for their survival. They have apparently put over now. “

“Probably affected the smaller of the Notre Dame fire than when the yellow vests boarded the Chanel store on the Champs Èlysées.”

“and you’ll see our history also. The affluent are buying monuments, the poor, and build them. Cathedrals destroyed, built up again. For Notre Dame has the renovation, fix, and rebuilding has been a normal state of affairs since the middle ages. “

“And they who now gape that France is burning, has not understood that culture and history are things that is never finished. “