A 36-year-old Munich native is stunned after a club visit with a roofie and raped. Now she is fighting for the Suspect is still before the court.

a man who raped a 36-Year-old after a club visit, but before the court? Or the alleged sexual abuse without consequences? With tens of thousands of supported Online Petition and a legal complaint, the Munich-Nina F. is struggling to ensure that your case is heard. On Tuesday, it handed over to the Prosecutor General’s office on Tuesday around 93, 000 signatures to the almost to the day six-year-old case.

The 36-Year-old is convinced that, in the case of a Munich-based disco in the Nachtauf the 19. April 2013 K. o.-drops involuntarily and raped has been made to be. Years later, a suspect was found on the basis of the DNA evidence, which could then ensure that a forensic medical examination.

However, the investigating office of the public Prosecutor the proceedings in the absence of prospects of success. The reason: The woman could remember only fragments of the deed, and the man is silent to the allegations. The woman lodged an appeal against the decision of the public Prosecutor’s office legal Board of appeal, these will be examined according to the Deputy attorney General, Thomas Weith-of-date. The Petition itself has no legal meaning, but Weith insured at the Handover: “We will deal intensively with the thing.” With a decision on the complaint

Nina F. defendant at the time of Presentation of the Petition: “This is a free ticket for each offender: I ensure that the victim’s memory has gaps, and the process is terminated.” It was the Prosecutor’s disappointed: “The fact that the procedure has been set, although the perpetrator was found and clearly identified on the basis of the traces of semen found in me, behind a large feeling of powerlessness, anger, despair, and also lack of understanding is not because I do not understand the justification.”

For the Munich Prosecutor-General’s office, which is examining the decision of the public Prosecutor’s office Munich I, stressed the spokesman Klaus Ruhland: “The understanding of us.” However, it is very difficult to demonstrate that knockout drops were in the game. “The state’s attorney can then press charges, if there is sufficient suspicion that a certain conviction is likely,” added Deputy attorney General Weith. “That says nothing in General about whether or not we believe the victim.”