“The fire in the cathedral of Notre-Dame: 23 minutes between the alarms”

“The first warning was dismissed as a false alarm. “

“23 minutes later sounded the alarm again.”

“Then it was too late to save Notre Dame from the flames.”

“It took a century to build it.”

“But for that the devastation would be great required only hours. “

“Storbranden in medeltidskatedralen Notre-Dame was a world first on Monday night. “

“Hundreds of firefighters fought the flames and when the fire was extinguished had huvudspiran caved and the roof collapsed. “

“Even if you managed to save some of the relics, it is feared that many priceless objects have been destroyed. “

“Mysteriously alarm 23 minutes earlier”

“Hundreds of firefighters began fighting the fire around 18.45 after having jerked off on an alarm that had been received minutes earlier. “

“But it was not the evening’s first fire alarms from the Notre-Dame cathedral. “

“the Prosecutor Remy Heitz, who has 50 investigators at his disposal, gave on Tuesday an update on the status of the investigation.”

“the Prosecutor told me that a first alarm had gone 23 minutes in the past, at 18.20. “

“Heitz said it investigated the source of the alarm but not found any signs of fire. “

“the Priest who led the fair when the first alarm sounded, it must also have thought that it was a false alarm, but chose in the end to evacuate the cathedral. “

“According to The Guardian, it was unclear if the first warning signs came from a smoke alarm or a heat detector. “

“the Next time the alarm sounded – 18.43 – there was no doubt.”

“‘ Long and complex investigation””

“Then hit the open flame out from the ceiling and a thick column of smoke rose from the cathedral on the island of Île de la Cité in the seine river.”

“After four hours, the firemen finally have the fire under control.”

“But it was close to the devastation was total. The rescue operation was settled during a few critical minutes, according to the French deputy minister of the interior, Laurent Nunez.”

“– It’s about 15-30 minutes, ” says Nuñez, according to the BBC. “

“Brandorsaken is so far unknown, but it is speculated whether the ongoing renovations somehow may have started the fire. “

“– It will be a long and complex investigation, ” says Rémy Heitz, office of the prosecutor.”

“Five construction companies have been involved in renovation work and some 30 people have been interrogated. “

“Some of France’s richest people have promised to donate billions to the reconstruction of the Notre-Dame cathedral. On Tuesday, had donations of around six billion promised. “

“the president of the French republic Emmanuel Macron promised during the Tuesday night that Notre-Dame should be rebuilt within five years. “