“The picture was taken before the fire – now she father and daughter”

“A father spins his daughter – in front of Notre-Dame.”

“An hour before the cathedral is in flames.”

“Now search for Brooke Windsor, 23, who took the picture with light and lantern after the man and the girl”

“Only an hour before the iconic cathedral in Paris was in flames on Monday night, saw the american tourists Brooke Windsor man and the little girl in front of the building.”

“the Sky was blue, and they laughed happily and the man, who she believes is the girl’s father, spun her around, around in circles.”

“In the background you can see the magnificent building from the 1300 century, with its characteristic tower and the 93-metre high spire in the middle.”

“the Spire that collapsed in the fire and now just a memory.”

“Brooke Windsor’s first thought, there and then, when she had taken the picture was to share it with the father.”

“– I almost went up to her father and asked if he wanted it, she writes on Twitter.”

“Now she’s trying to find her father and the girl through the network.”

“Her post has already committed over 143 000 people around the world.”