Soon there is general election, and I wonder if the Danish people’s Party once again will be handing out crisp severe as valgflæsk to people who like to eat grisehud roast in the oven, or friture.

The national-the delicatessen pork rinds divides people. Some wrinkles on the snout and ask flæskesværsgnaskere, whether they are aware of that also pigs have blackhead.

But many don’t care. You eat them gladly and claims that it is an old Danish invention.

But it does not fit.

Sprødstegte severe is invented in the Uk and eaten endlessly in the warm countries, and most recently pork rinds come on the menus of the excellent gourmet restaurants, which otherwise would never servers popular food.

Therefore tillaver Michelin-starred chefs them in shameful interpretations sprinkled with, for example, hindbærpulver.

But, of course, was the traditional salted pork rinds, which were included in the Ekstra smagstest, which was carried out as a blindtest.

At the editors, they are considered as a nutritious and protein-rich snack, which, incidentally, serves to combat food waste, as nothing of the pig should go to waste.

in Fact, there has for a lifetime been around a flæskesværs-expert, namely altmuligmanden Echardt Ginderskov, as on this page for the first time ever reveals his special recipe for svinesvær wrapped in butter and white bread.

of Course, he as presiding judge of the smagstestens panel, which, incidentally, consisted of the food-loving reporter Peter Jeppesen and one of the country’s leading smagseksperter, sensorikeren Michael René.

They were generally agreed that the skolepraktikantens purchased is difficult were delicious.

– As the kiss of a new lover – a crisp and delicious grisebasse just to go to, muttered Echardt Ginderskov, while he took the ‘homemade’ test winner from the Supermarket.

– The good thing about these pork rinds is that you can taste them in the many hours after, said Jeppesen on the very same severe.

Only one bag of pork failed the test, namely from the Kims.

– in General, the quality is high. Virtually all have fine qualities, concludes Michael René.

from the Top left: 1: Snaxters, 9,95 dkk,150 grams, Net 2: the butcher’s, 14,81 crowns, Referendum, 3: Tocifritos, 34,95, 150 grams, Referendum, 4: Homemade, 26,33 crowns, 132 grams, Starbucks. The second row from the left: 5: Deli old-fashioned, 15,95, 90 grams, Føtex, 6: Kim crisp, 22,95, 130 grams, the Supermarket, 7: Crusti, Croc, 11,50 dollars, 100 grams, Lidl, 8: Rema 1000 old-fashioned, 5,25 dollars, 50 grams, Rema 1000, 9: Irma Delica, 20 kroner, 85 grams, Irma, 10: town Hall smørrebrødssvær, 25 crowns, town Hall, open-faced sandwiches. Flæsket will be judged in a blindsmagstest from: Taste, texture, fat, salt, crack and a whole. Photo of Olivia Loftlund.

– We lack the obesity and salt. Must be rinsed down with beer.

– Fine and crisp, but we were missing something fat

– A fine slagtersvær with lots of fat and salt.

– As the kiss of a new lover – a crisp and delicious grisebasse just to go to. Perfect salting, and obesity.


– Delicious. The taste of the pig. A fine texture. Both soft and crisp.


– It is not real pork rinds. Bright, popped and completely without fedtkant.

Scores big on all the parameter, but lacks salt.

– Approved light heavy with a nice bold flavor.

– Strutter as a pig with a curl of the tail. You will be happy the rest of the day.


Sovereign golden rind. Fine soft and brittle. However, something hårdtstegte.


Recipe: Svinesvær wrapped in butter and white bread Flæskeekspert Ginderskov cook his special delicacy. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

– Golden crispy hard comes best to its right if they are crushed down in a centimetertykt layer tandsmør on white soft bread, recommend the Ekstra flæskeekspert Echardt Ginderskov.

1: Advantage 50-75 grams Kærgården in a thick layer on a slice of white bread.

2: Advantage small crispy pork rind down in the fatty layer of ’butter’.

3: Fold the soft bread on the swords and serve with lager beer or chocolate milk.

It crunches nice, he says. Photo: Olivia Loftlund.