“The Social pillar divides the swedes in the EU”

“The social pillar continues to sharply divide the Swedish members of the EUROPEAN parliament.”

“the Right and left have quite different views on things both large and small.”

“With large margin, said the EUROPEAN parliament on Tuesday, the final’ yes ‘ to both the new minimum standards for working conditions (466 votes to 145) and the establishment of the employment services Ela (472 against 142).”

“Arbetsvillkorsbiten is, inter alia, to limit the trial periods to a maximum of six months and increase the requirement of information to the workers. Ela (European Labour Authority) must, in turn, is primarily devoted to the provision of information on rights and obligations and facilitating cooperation between EU countries.”

“The Swedish members think completely different. Eight of the nine members of M, KD, SD, C and L voted against. Where is the anger about the suggestions that stem from the EU’s so-called social pillars that it sees as a threat to the Swedish labour market model.”

“The social pillar was established at the extratoppmötet in Gothenburg in 2017, and has become a red line for the bourgeois.”

” I think that this is a very unnecessary supranational elements. Stefan Löfven has said that this will not become law – but this week, we are voting on the four legislative proposals, either in the regulations or the directive, establishes the EU-the honourable member Jasenko Selimovic (L).”

“– this is what the Swedish election campaign should be about, consider my colleague Christofer Fjellner (M).”

“From the left, held it is not at all. Marita Ulvskog (S) think you have received sufficient guarantees that the Swedish collective agreement goes ahead.”

“– this villkorsdirektivet gives much more rights and transparency for people who may have gone year after year on short-term contracts or long-term contracts. This is a good directive for those who do not have our arbetsmarknadsmodell – and an exception for our model, ” says Ulvskog in Strasbourg.”

“the EU’s social pillar consists of 20 non-binding principles for better working and living conditions. Rights are divided into three areas: equal opportunities and access to the labour market, fair working conditions and social protection and inclusion.”

“Here are a few of the principles:”

“* Everyone has the right to a good quality education, training and lifelong learning that empowers them to participate fully in society and cope with the changes in the labour market.”

“* Men and women have the right to equal pay for equal work.”

“* the Workers have the right to fair wages that allow a decent standard of living.”

“* Children have the right to care and pre-school at a reasonable cost.”

“* anyone who does not have sufficient own livelihood has a right to adequate minimum compensation that ensures a dignified life in all stages of life. For those who can work, should compensation be combined with the incentive to enter the labour market.”