DN revealed on Sunday the contents of several internal reports, where the royal Dramatic theatre’s management and board of directors received warnings about the working environment in the theatre.

In a report last year wrote the royal Dramatic theatre’s own occupational health service that it was ”frankly worried about employee health and how this organization continue to deliver the theatre without serious incidents occur, or that we are without the skills and resources needed to continue to operate the theatre.”

Months before, in the fall of 2017, had an extensive employee survey demonstrated that 31% of the respondents stated that they have been exposed to negative language or harassment from colleagues during the past year. Close to one in ten asked stated that they have been subjected to threats or bullying at the workplace during the same period.

confirming, when DN is talking with her on the Monday afternoon, the image of the theater had problems with the working environment.

– It is no secret that the board has been critical of the way the working environment has seen out on the royal dramatic theatre. It came up in the employee survey, and in connection with metoo. And that is why we have put so much focus on getting to grips with these issues. There have been great challenges, and there is still much left to do, ” says Ulrika Årehed Kågström.

the Whole reason the board took such a drastic decision to replace the ceo is about to believe that it is needed to be done more in this area.

the report in the first instance was sent to the then ceo, Eirik Stubø. According to Ulrika Årehed Kågström, the board received its report in the autumn, when it was attached to the employee satisfaction survey value & tray at the royal dramatic theatre in stockholm, compiled, and sent to the board of directors.

” We were informed of the report. It is one of the things we took very seriously, and that we are still following up. At each meeting we have a follow-up of how the work environment goes, what has happened since the last meeting, to review how the action plans we made a decision on the compliance with and not, and look at whether the actions we have already decided is enough. There was serious criticism that emerged, ” she says.

” the Whole reason the board took such a drastic decision to replace the ceo is about to believe that it needed to be made to improve the working environment. I can’t not go into all the tours, all the decisions and all the dialogue the board has had on these issues with the ceo. But the board has made demands and tried to find ways to support the president to come to grips with the challenges. Eventually we came to the conclusion that we need to find another solution.

” we don’t really know yet. Such must be accurately measured and followed up. You can get a feel of it to go around and listen at work, but in reality, you don’t know how the situation looks until the next big measurement. It is important to follow up the situation in a serious way, and not make assumptions about how it looks.

the royal Dramatic theatre’s managing director Eirik Stubø left his post on 8 april. Photo: Magnus Hallgren

She describes parts of the results from the employee survey that was conducted in the autumn of 2017 – the current frequency of the negative language, insults and bullying – as ”appalling”.

” It was a terrible result. It was also why we took all the powerful action that we did. Among them, a new ambitious action plan, the formation of jämställdhetsgrupper, training programs for managers and all staff, updated policy and code of conduct and the establishment of a whistle blower function, ” says Ulrika Årehed Kågström, which also mentions that you recruited a vice president with a far-reaching mandate.

– It is easy to be wise after the event, but I always think there are things you could do in other ways. We had been able to be better at highlighting the efforts actually made, and put greater demands on that they would be communicated better internally, ” says Ulrika Årehed Kågström and continues:

– There are very different ways to look at this situation. Some think that we should have lift the president in the past, while some think that we have not been sufficiently sustainable.

I think that a lot of employees have felt that our decision has been to ceo must have a sufficient number of employees for or against.

said on Friday that is ”unfortunate that the responsibility has now fallen in the lap. Responsibility for the situation and its solution lies with the board of directors and management”. How do you see it?

” It is deeply unfortunate if the employees feel that way. I think that a lot of employees have felt that our decision has been to ceo must have a sufficient number of employees for or against. But that is not how a board works. This is about the board of directors must have confidence that the president should be able to conduct a long-term work ahead. And the decision to appoint or dismiss a ceo is fully in the board’s hands, ” says Ulrika Årehed Kågström.

the SvD, published in the Saturday, the board of directors at the royal dramatic theatre criticism, among other things, by director Lars Norén, who had ”fled from his responsibility and leave behind a moral augiasstall”. Chairman of the board Ulrika Årehed Kågström says that she received ”a little angrily sms” from Lars Norén, but would not comment on what was in it.

– There are very many different dimensions in this. Some choose to go out with their criticism of media, while others choose to talk internally to give his view. However, the decision which the board took about an assessment about whether we saw that the ceo have the ability to take responsibility for the whole of the royal Dramatic theatre’s activities or not. It does not deprive Eirik Stubø the amazing work he has done as an artist and director, but it is not enough to be the ceo of a big business as the royal dramatic theatre is, ” says Ulrika Årehed Kågström.

Read more: Actor thank Eirik Stubø in open letter