Well one hundred days ago, since Jair Bolsonaro has taken over as the Brazilian President. His election victory of paratroopers owed to the former captain of the three Grundübeln – and the hope that he would eliminate the economic crisis. The Crime. Corruption.

Bolsonaro started with huge confidence capital. He was with his followers from the so-called simple folk-popular because of its authentic-looking shirt sleeves and his politically incorrect sayings, while entrepreneurs, traders and the economy were liberal on tax cuts, privatisation and the energy of the neoliberal economy Minister Paulo Guedes.

approval drops to just under 20 percent

so Far, Bolsonaro has not fulfilled the hopes, resulting in a significant loss of its popularity. In January, according to a survey of the Institute Ibope, nearly 50 percent of the respondents have a very positive opinion of Bolsonaro and his government, it is still a third. By contrast, 30 percent Bolsonaros performance levels of the Institute Datafolha, as a “very bad”. This is the worst value, the a President after three months of his first term in office, ever had to accept, since Brazil 1985, democracy returned.

it is one of the percent numbers of those who Bolsonaros Start to assess as good or satisfactory, although still to a value of about 60 percent. Worrying must seem from the point of view of the government, however, is how much the share has Disappointed and Dissatisfied in a short time increased.

In Rio, remember at the end of March 2019 thousands to the military dictatorship and protest against Bolsonaro. Photos: (Lao Correa) AP, Keystone,

There are three Main political and social forces that support the 64-Year-olds: first, anti-globalizers, Religious and society are conservative. Secondly, The Military. And thirdly, neo-liberal. To combine the ideologies and interests of these groups a more effective political programme for government, is extremely difficult, and even more challenging is it to find in the rugged, fickle, scheming Congress majorities. So far, Bolsonaro, whose party in the house of representatives, only 54 of 513 deputies has been proven as too little clever. The dismissal of two Ministers within a short space of time reinforces the impression that a chaos force is at work.

The first three months of the new Brazilian President was shaped by the following issues, debates, events, and Decisions:

pension reform

The Brazilian pension system is ludicrous. Grotesquely unjust, grotesque expensive, grotesquely bureaucratic. The average pension age for women is 53 years for men 57 years. Brazil is one of the few countries in the world have no minimum age to take a pension. And in hardly any other country in the remuneration according to the statistics, the OECD, measured on the last drawn salary. The favors those who earn a lot and never be unemployed or in the informal sector were employed. Brazil returns for the pension system is three times more than for education and health. With a budget deficit of 8 percent and for an emerging country of high state debt of 80 per cent of the gross domestic product, can not afford to Brazil this pension Juggernaut any longer. Economy Minister Paulo Guedes compared the financial Situation of Brazil recently with a plane that flies without fuel over the ocean. The government fails, the pension reform, to driving Latin America’s largest economy to a financial crisis.

Bolsonaro has presented to the Congress a bill, to endeavour, without, however, seriously to the parliamentary alliances, which would be to their adoption is necessary, especially in the case of an unpopular template, which restricts the privileges of a great many people. Because Bolsonaro for decades as a backbencher in the Parliament was sitting, he would have to know its mechanisms. That he rejects you, inspires his followers, serves the cause, however. Sobering is that the influential members of the military insist on their privileges, what brings you on a collision course to the neo-liberal forces within the government. That Bolsonaro brings a drastic pension reform is unlikely, although this was one of his Central election promise.

privatisation and liberalisation

Although the new government has initiated some privatisation of state companies, predicts the Bank Itaú, the Brazilian economy for 2019, a growth rate of only 1.3 percent. Unemployment has risen to 12.4 percent. For the deteriorating global environment Bolsonaro can be anything, but the towing will damage the end of the response of the economy to its popularity, however. Especially as he has promised, from a long and deep recession-stricken population, under his government everything will be better.


The Evil to buy political support within the Congress through the allocation of Posts and privileges to the exponents of other parties, has Bolsonaros contained government. His party is embroiled in a scandal over allegedly illegal campaign financing, and against his son, the Senator Flávio Bolsonaro, has collected the judicial accusations for corruption and money laundering.

In the sight of justice: son Flavio.

New weapons

Bolsonaro had promised in the election campaign, the crime, by he would facilitate the population access to firearms. The promise he has kept. How the measure impacts on the crime and murder rate, is still open. According to surveys, a majority of the population rejects, however, the facilitated possession of weapons and the feeling that everyday crime is worse than Boslonaros office.

praise the military dictatorship

For Bolsonaro had committed between 1964 and 1985, the ruling military dictatorship to the heroic struggle against the Communists, revolting students, and other enemies of the state. Were appalled his opponents, as he ordered in March, in the barracks of the 55. The anniversary of the seizure of power by the Uniformed to celebrate. And as his now dismissed Minister of education, Ricardo Vélez Rodríguez suggested, to pay tribute to the military coup in the textbooks as a “sovereign decision of the company”, have led to a “democratic tyranny”.

Even the military, who represent a third of Bolsonaros Ministers and more than a hundred important functionaries in the Administration, were not really happy about the President’s arranged celebrations. Because you moved the media, in a rare show of verbosity on the suppression and the torture excesses during the military dictatorship to look back.

foreign policy

Bolsonaro has forged a close political and economic Alliance with the US presidents, Donald Trump, and called for the overthrow of Venezuela’s socialist President Nicolás Maduro.

Video: Meeting between Trump and Bolsonaro The US President receives in March 2019 to his Brazilian colleagues in the White house. Source: Reuters

the natives and the environment

On his first Hearings Bolsonaro announced, the authority in charge of the demarcation and the preservation of indigenous territories, will provide the Ministry of agriculture. The agriculture Minister Tereza Correa da Costa, formerly belonged as members to the agricultural lobby. Their interest is to weaken the protection of indigenous areas and of the rainforest, the cultivation of agricultural goods extend, in particular, soy.

Bolsonaro had been denied during the election campaign, that the man is responsible for climate change, and he had promised to cancel the Paris climate agreement. The latter, he has not done so far. Many of his environmental policy measures need also the consent of the Congress, and legally contestable.

Abstruse, and scandals

During a visit to Israel Bolsonaro claimed that the NSDAP was a left-wing party. Later, he said in a speech to Evangelicals in Rio de Janeiro, one could forgive the Holocaust “, but not forget”. In Brazil and particularly in Israel, the statement provoked horror.

On 8. In March, the International women’s day, claimed Bolsonaro, his Cabinet is occupied by “parity basis”. In truth, women are only 2 of a total of 22 ministries. The President is right its absurd claim on customized with the saying that every Minister of cradle ten men.

the decadence of charge during the carnival, he published on his Twitter Account a Video that was taken during a Ceremony in São Paulo. Dance shows, half-naked men. One puts the Finger into the Anus, and then he bends over and lets another man over the head to urinate.

such A Video as a presidential post on Twitter proves, according to Bolsonaros opponents that he is not up to his office, mentally. During a ceremony Bolsonaro said: “I Sometimes ask God: “What have I done to deserve to be President?”” It is this carefree attitude that his followers, after a good three months, still excited. With the emphasis on “still”. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 16.04.2019, 18:52 PM