– It is clear that it feels that the memorial and kolumbariet must be moved, ” says Kiruna’s vicar Heli Pruikkonen.

the Congregation is in the midst of intensive efforts to search for and contact families of the approximately 3,000 the deceased whose ashes are kept in urns in the kolumbariet in Kiruna, the animal shelter should be torn down in a couple of years.

” We must inform the gravrättsinnehavare that this is at the time. It is a pretty big issue because everyone gravrättsinnehavare not available here in Kiruna, perhaps they are out there in other parts of the country or where they are now. We are now looking for all information about what is happening, ” says Heli Pruikkonen.

kolumbariet is no longer safe to stay in because of the subsidence that mining causes must the troughs with the dead, ash moved elsewhere. Each is not yet clear. The diocese, LKAB, county administrative board, the municipality and the assembly now calls for to arrive to how the remains should be handled when the ground beneath them no longer carries.

– It is new for all parties involved and then it is to find roads that are great for those who are interested, and not just for us sitting in our organizations and will work through this. There are many questions that remain to be resolved, but we’re working on it continuously. Right now is the big bit to find gravrättsinnehavare so that we can inform but also to get input from them about how they think.

another question that remains to solve is what should happen with the memorial, which is also sooner or later will be affected by conditions in the ground.

– It is of course a question that we have not resolved. Can we move it? Shall we take any part symbolic and in what way? it is a burial place it is all about and where you need to see over what is ethical and in which way we do it with dignity. There are many questions that we have not finished, ” says Heli Pruikkonen.

of kolumbariet and the uncertain future of the memorial evokes the feelings and reactions of society, even if it does not lead to protests.

– It affects really the whole of society. There are many people who have ashes of loved ones who are in minnelunden or kolumbariet. It is clear that it will reactions, or comments in any case. But we have no option really. It is just like state because LKAB is it that is, I will not say the lifeblood, but the major employer here. So without mine no Kiruna.