On Monday evening, beat flames through the roof of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. Tens of thousands of Parisians gather in the streets and watch in horror as the burning landmark of your city. Also, millions of people in the network keep track of the Brand , among others, on Youtube, where dozens of media transmitted the footage in real time.

Many users will notice the recording of a disconcerting note. In a number of live streams, see this time, hundreds of thousands of people, shows Youtube an eye-catching grey stripes: “The attacks of September 11. September was the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil in the history of the United States were ( … ).” Including a Link to the entry on 9/11 in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Why is linked to the Youtube of the attack on the World Trade Center with the Brand in Paris? The fire was put about by people that put terrorists behind it? There is no evidence. For the note YouTube’s Algorithms are responsible for the have discovered the visual similarities between the Transfer from Paris, and Videos of the attacks in New York in 2001. The suspects in any case, computer science Professor Vagelis Papalexakis in the Guardian. Youtube itself only explains that the function of the Algorithms will be controlled, which were sometimes the wrong decision. You have removed the notes under the live streams from Paris.

image path of the devastating fire:

“In Videos to selected historical and scientific topics are shown to users under certain circumstances, information from third parties, such as the Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia,” says Youtube the function. “These well-known topics such as the moon landing, to find which on the Internet is often false information.” The instructions are intended to prevent the false information spread on Youtube. On the platform a number of conspiracy theories including 9/11, which contain Youtube Links to reputable sources. The notes are currently displayed only for users in the United States and South Korea.

“Facebook and Youtube are polluting the public sphere,”

This may be well meant, it will work in practice, but not really: The Nieman Lab of Harvard University has collected many more cases in which YouTube’s Algorithms show notes, which confuse rather than enlighten: What the Encyclopedia Britannica has articles about 9/11 under a Video about New York from the year 1976, to find the Start of the rocket, the Falcon Heavy or a fire in San Francisco?

The case shows how problematic it is, if machines select the information, to get millions of people face. Youtube has been fighting for years with disinformation, Propaganda, and Videos that stir up fear and hatred. Not only that, these recordings are not removed – YouTube’s Algorithms recommend millions of other users to actively contribute to its spread. As a “radical organizing” refers to sociologist Zeynep Tufekci of the platform: “Facebook and Youtube are polluting the public sphere, and outsource the cost to the company.”


Created: 16.04.2019, 12:49 PM