Penningtvättsanklagelserna against Swedbank has left customers puzzled. In a message, write the bank that customers can feel safe and secure.

“We felt this was a way to make it clear to customers that they are not affected but also that we see and hear the discussion out there,” says Unni Jerndal.

in February that the Mission of the review revealed suspected money-laundering within the Swedish major banks have. 40 billion shall have been transmitted between the banks ‘ customers, according to the data.

”A lot of attention in the media is about money laundering. Financial crime is a global challenge that we are always working to counteract. Last year we did, for example, around 5,000 notifications about suspected money laundering in Sweden and the Baltic countries,” writes the bank in the message.

According to Unni Jerndal, it is, above all, a certain type of banking business as customers wondered.

Unni Jerndal Photo: Lars Hedelin

” We have seen that the questions from customers have increased in all channels during the past few weeks. It has received a lot of questions about saving and about the bank, ” she says.

the scandal, the bank’s ceo Birgitte Bonnesen been fired and the recently departed also, Swedbank’s chairman of the board Lars Idermark.

In connection with the data on money laundering could DN reveal that the bank have given a number of the largest owners information about the Mission of the evaluation data on suspected money laundering. Serious fraud office launched an investigation regarding disclosure of inside information.

In connection with the investigation, Swedbank’s raid at the bank’s head office in Sundbyberg. Then came the so-called ”Grimstadrapporten” in focus. According to Di, the report shows weaknesses in its work against money laundering in Estonia.

A further part in the story is the financier Bill Browders notification of Swedbank to the Swedish authorities. Visselblåsarens charges relating to transactions for 1.6 billion that has gone to Swedbankkonton in the Baltic countries and Sweden. The notification was laid down with reference to the transactions barred.

Unni Jerndal says that the bank are working every day to detect suspected money laundering.

– It is a solid work that is going on, ” she says.

Cooperation against money laundering to be extended

the Crisis in Swedbank: This has happened to