most of us are gradually with that you need to remember its blue health insurance card when you go out and travel, but many are still in doubt as to what the card actually covers.

It shows a new survey by Kantar Gallup has made of Gouda Insurance.

In the survey say every fourth dane, they think that the blue health insurance card (ehic, or EUROPEAN health insurance card covers treatment at private hospitals, while 41 percent say they just don’t know it.

When so many just don’t know what the map covers, it can eventually come to cost them dearly. 73 percent of respondents in the survey think that the blue health insurance card gives the right to be transported back home to Denmark with an air ambulance or with medical assistance available, if the accident were to be out, but it’s actually not.

For you on your vacation treated at a private hospital, you can subsequently seek reimbursement from the Agency for Patient safety, but when it comes to payment for repatriation, you hang yourself on the bill, if you do not have travel insurance.

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Precisely, this highlights the importance of knowing that the blue health insurance card (ehic should not be seen as an alternative to travel insurance, but as a complement, believe Dan Kjølhede Laursen, director of Gouda.

– in case of an accident, and you only travel with the blue health insurance, you may end up having to pay very many money, if you need to pay for treatment at private hospital and prescription drugs, as well as, in the worst case, the repatriation, says Dan Kjølhede Laursen in a press release.

He calls for, that you contact your insurance company if in doubt about the coverage of one’s insurance.

Overall, shows the EUROPEAN health insurance card, you are entitled to the same healthcare under the same conditions as the citizens of the country you are in. Is luck out, you can therefore get to pay the whole or part of a treatment even if the same is true for the person with medical insurance of citizens in the country. The map covers only, if the physician, dentist or the hospital is affiliated with the public health insurance in the country.

As mentioned, you can subsequently obtain reimbursement of your expenses.

In the survey is similar across the 15 percent in addition, they believe that the blue health insurance card covers in Turkey, which is not a member of the EU and therefore not covered by the scheme.