caravan, Klowagen, Meadow: The Initiative “wheel and fact” would love to live on a trolley square. But the city makes it easy.

Anna Lifted

15 adults, more than 15 children and young people. From the carpenter to the political scientist, the sculptor, to the physicist, of the speech and language therapist to the Cutter. Normal people with normal jobs, Jannis Hirschmann emphasizes the extra. Apparently, you have to, if you have a life-style in the sense that deviates from what is for the majority of normal – three rooms, kitchen, bathroom. Hirschmann and his comrades-in-arms make more of something like: caravan, Klowagen, Meadow.

do you want to find a car space, it would be next to “instead of Park Olga” and “blown away” is the third in Munich. But currently it looks not so, as this dream would soon come true. This has to do with that land in Munich are rar. There is some evidence that the policy no longer wants to support such projects, at least active.

The members of “the wheel and the fact” for more than a year in search of a plot.

(photo: Robert Haas)

at the beginning of 2018 they present their plans in the district Committee schwanthalerhöhe. They formed a club they call “the wheel and the deed”, a property for interim use have you found: an urban excavation with the planning name “MK 2” at the ganghofer road, close to the railway line, is expected to be 2022 at a middle school built. The local politicians are, without exception, impressed by the idea of a trailer settlement on time. The people of “the wheel and the fact,” i.e., with the local government unit in contact that manages the urban land. Also the for building permits responsible Local building Committee is dealing with the matter.

for Almost a year you are to keep, a unit refers to the other, so it is the people of the “wheel and fact”. Finally, you will learn that there are three problems: first, the train noise was much too loud; secondly, the Problem of the smoke made it difficult to trigger than cannot be solved, because the property lies in a valley; third, castles, Cars are generally in areas not already permitted.

On all the points the Lord mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) in a Letter to the Association from the 28. February. The city could provide for this Area “for properties in the city area of Munich the conclusion of a land lease contract”. In the case of the existing projects instead of Park Olga as well as the way it is behaving rather differently, “than this so far, urban areas had occupied, which had to be made in the public interest”. It is therefore more difficult to ban something Existing, as something New. “Olga” has moved since the founding eight years ago, several times, always they were to urban land. Also, for “blown away” is the city is the lessor.

“before We us on the nose,” says Jannis Hirschmann. The procedure was long and opaque. The tests lasted just as long, says Birgit sub-Huber, spokeswoman for the local unit, also because the city was at the same time going for the other car seats on the search. The cancellation was communicated to the Association in November 2018 on the phone. The city was not the only addressee for car seats and are not obliged to search the land, she says. “The people, it is up to us to decide to establish such clubs. However, it is difficult to find in urban areas.” As it was always in between uses, before of the New a replacement is sought must be. The municipal services Department had offered in the Rest of the quite places, which were but “by nature, rather on the edge of town” and were of the Clubs regularly been rejected. As part of the city sounds, too, that the demands of the car enthusiasts just low. The counter to this is that you need a Central plot, because you don’t want to realize only themselves, but also something about the subculture in Munich: deals for the neighborhood, for the neighborhood.

“hang in There training dates and daycare to it”

Last summer, made three projects with a Demonstration in front of the Opera on their precarious Situation; the city wanted a more binding communication and a long-term perspective. Behind “Olga” was formed at that time a prominent circle of Supporters and in November, the commitment of the city to a new Area.

The residents of the projects, in General, very impressed, says Dominik Krause, Deputy head of the faction of city Council-Green. “We find that such projects are important, and the city of enriching parts.” Even if the land search of extra work for the city means: It had to be in Munich is also the place for something like this. “Subculture is not Nirvana, but in the city.” The two major city Council deal with the issue, apparently, serious: CSU and SPD do not comment at all. And mayor Reiter says only that he have a certain sympathy for alternative housing projects and wanted to “not place obstacles in the way”. But in the city it was difficult.

it was Difficult for the people of the wheel and the fact that it has dragged on for so long. “As enrollment deadlines and day-care centres would do it,” says Hirschmann. In the case of many the disappointment was not great that it works now. Properly you are not satisfied with the reasons for Rejection for the land on the schwanthaler höhe and finally, it had been also offered to the other two car seats already as a replacement. The municipal unit does not respond. Don’t want to give up the club but continue to search for a minimum of 1000 square metres, of private or outside of Munich. Hirschmann, with their family of five now in the 60-square meter apartment in Sendling – compared to the trailer they have there are downright spacious.