‘Move you now, dammit.’

Have you ever heard someone shout it at you in traffic? Or have you even shouted it after another road user? So are you a part of vejvrede statistics.

High cry, the horn in the bottom and wild gestures are everyday occurrences, when you stray out in the Danish traffic. A third of all motorists have welcomed their traffic participants with a stretched fingers, a clenched fist or other aggressive signs. At the same time, one in four had been involved in a transportation argument.

It shows a new Megafon survey, which examines the phenomenon of ‘vejvrede’, made for Continental Tires Denmark.

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A well-known point of contention in the traffic is the ‘showdown’ between cyclists and motorists. Many, who bikes daily, will probably have had bad experiences with drivers who they believe have behaved badly in traffic, while the opposite is probably also applicable to motorists.

In the study corresponds to 15 percent of the cyclists that they have experienced to be affected by the washer fluid or other objects from cars in traffic.

When asked who most often is to blame for the discrepancies on the roads, does not agree completely.

17 percent believe that cyclists are responsible for avoiding dangerous situations in traffic, 13 percent believe that it is the drivers ‘ fault, while 62 percent believe that it is a shared responsibility.

When you want to forward, traffic can often be a source of frustration, for here one can not always be sure that the traffic is moving at the pace you expect. The frustration can often be a reason for that vejvreden occurs, says a psychologist.

– When we sit in the queue, we will be faced with the unpleasant sense of powerlessness. We can’t get forward or back, we are not the master of, when the traffic slips again, and do not have the ability to get rid of the frustration. And it often goes beyond our other road users. In these situations we can be better to get an eye on the larger perspective and ask ourselves: ‘What is the worst thing that can happen at f.ex. to come 10 minutes too late’, and thus behave properly, says Mette Herslund, which is psychologist, in a press release.

Previous studies of the phenomenon have shown roughly the same pattern. That approximately every third Danish road user have experienced vejvrede in traffic.

A study by the 2017 made by the ministry of transport and DTU’s transportafdeling showed that 35 percent of danes in the last year has been postponed for vejvrede.

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– There are more and more things pointing to that vejvrede leads to more accidents in traffic. For example, we know that inattention is a key factor in many accidents, and vejvrede is a form of inattention, sounded it back then from Jesper Sølund, dokumentationschef in the Council for Safe Traffic.

at the Time figures showed that the most experience vejvrede in the capital region. Here, almost every other within the past few years have seen the anger from other road users, while the fewest have experienced a overfusning in Nsw, where the figure is 29,8 percent.