“The new government but no winner in the Finnish elections”

“For the first time, no party out to get more than 20 per cent of the votes.”

“the Choice of the day, most likely Finland’s new prime minister – but no winner.”

“No party appears for the first time in its history, more than one-fifth of the votes.”

“the Government, led by Juha Sipilä, resigned on 8 march since it was clear that the health care reform that the government promised in connection with the 2015 elections would not get parliamentary approval. Since then, Sipilä led a transitional government.”

“But if today is an ordinary choice. There was no reason to call an early presidential election after the ordinary election still stood for the door, thought the finns.”

“As it looks now, just hours before the close of the poll, this choice will lead to a change of government.”

“the social democrats, looks set to be the largest party with around 19.5 percent of the votes, according to an opinion poll earlier in the week. The party leader Antti Rinne will in all probability lead the new government.”

“He has recently suffered a heart attack and, according to some, not really recovered. According to others he is fully capable to take on the tasks of the prime minister.”

“the Second largest can the Coalition party, which corresponds to the moderate party in Sweden, become, by around 17.5 per cent of the voters. Policy of blocs is not like Finland indulged in, either historically or now. The social democrats and the Coalition eventually ends up in the same government would, therefore, not surprise.”

“the Third-largest party look kverulanterna in missnöjespartiet the true finns out to be. Under the leadership of its relatively new president Jussi Halla-aho, the party has segat up in the polls and is now at around 15 per cent. They will likely not become a government party.”

“the true finns took first place in the government after the last election. Its then president, Timo Soini, was, despite the party’s opposition to the EU, minister of foreign affairs.”

“But a bit in the term burst party. Most of their mps stayed with Soini, the new party took the name of ”The blue”.”

“But Halla-aho has, after a somewhat tentative start boxat forth in the opinion, but is aiming not only at the Finnish parliament, but also a greater representation in the EU parliament later in the spring.”

“Antti Rinne, who looks to soon be able to call himself prime minister, want to have a government with as few parties as possible but still with a hefty majority in the parliament. It looks currently like at least three parties.”

” I think that so that if we are sitting in the parliament is either the Centre party or the Coalition party. Then you see it clear out to The greens will be in government, ” he said in a recent interview.”

“the Centre party, which has been the largest party after the last election, now appears to find a support at around 14%. He has led a coalition with the Centre party, national Coalition party and The blue. If the elections go bad for the Party, leave Sipilä, previously successful industrialist, the policy.”

“A strong desire, and the practice since decades, in Finland, is the broad koalitionsregeringar supported by a majority in the parliament. So will it be this time also.”

“the Result of the last elections in Finland”

“▪ the Results of the Finnish parliamentary elections in 2015 for the nine parties that shared in the riksagens 200 seats.”

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