“Accused of wanting to sabotage the barnsuccén”

“the Battle for the Babblarna be taken up in court: ”crazy””

“hard Drives locked in a safe. Aggressive advokatbrev. Friends who gave the contact of the of fear. And so the threat – to Babblarnas soft, vivid world in danger of being destroyed because of greed. “

“The dirty battle around barnfavoriterna is now up in the right. “

“– They want to scare 500 000 parents with me that I am the evil, ” says illustrator Ola Schubert – who argues that he has designed Holiday, Bibbi and the other characters.”

“With almost half a billion views on Youtube* is Babblarna one of the largest Swedish barnsuccéerna ever. But now threatened the success of an infected fractions, which according to the publisher behind the concept, can ”destroy everything”. “

“the Fraction, which already has lasted a year and a half, taken a few weeks up in the labour court.”

“– It’s madness. It is crazy to suddenly end up in such a conflict, ” says the illustrator Ola Schubert. “

“the Children want to have the back of their father -”

“he claims that He, along with another cartoonist, is upphovsperson to the yellow Bibbi, blöjbäraren Holiday, quick Tut and several of the other figures, who he worked with in twelve years. “

“though now that Ola Schubert has been on sick leave for eight months and not been able to subscribe at all. Lost all inspiration, ” he says. His wife Johanna, who animated the majority of the incredibly popular Babblarna films are also embroiled in the quarrel, which affected the whole family. Ola Schubert believes that it cost him as an individual near a half a million dollars, even before the trial. “

” – My kids wonder if I can’t come back and be the old dad I once was. I wish I had more time to spend on things other than a conflict that could have been resolved if the publisher just wanted to sit down and talk, ” says Ola Schubert. “

“when Exactly started the fight anyway? It depends on who you ask. “

“”A Swedish Disney world” ”

“But much can be traced to the autumn of 2017. For then it exploded. Barnfavoriterna Babblarna, which from the beginning was used as aid for children with speech impairments, filled ten years. The music videos had already hundreds of millions of Youtubevisningar, one of the largest Swedish barnsuccéerna ever. Now inundated market of Babblarna-books, stuffed animals, plastic figures, curtains, mugs, lamps, puzzles… ”

“today going Babblarna-the musical for the full house and the forged plans for an international launch. On the German market are Youtubekanalen Babblarna Deutsch, and the publisher hopes to conquer Poland, Holland, Norway, Finland and Denmark. It is rumored though that the film company Universal have shown interest in the colorful characters, something that the publisher does not want to comment.”

“the Subscriber Ola Schubert denies not that he thinks that the commerce gone too far. He believes that the goal seems to be to create a ”Swedish Disney world”. “

“– first, this is from the beginning special materials. I find it hard to see how the bowling ball in the mjukistyg would be educational in that way. But it is the Immediate publishing choices, their brand and the decision to sell it out. But if I myself would have taken all of it I would not gone down that road, ” he says. “

“”Crushing thousands of small children’s hearts” ”

“It was when he then, in 2017, would renegotiate the royalty agreement for its design as the conflict broke out in earnest. Hat publishers claimed that Ola Schubert never owned the copyright to the cartoon figures, which according to them is only a part of a larger concept.”

“the Fight escalated quickly: Ola Schubert claims that his name no longer appeared on the new book, and in Babblarna-magazines. Lawyers were brought in. The publisher said that he broke their agreement and wanted to destroy the company’s enthusiasts. Ola said to end up and believe that he eventually saw himself forced to get in touch with Youtube, which closed down all the Babblarna-cut in a month. “

“To many parents’ dismay. “

“”How can a grown man have a fart crosswise” ”

“Smutskastningen is also underway on social media, where many mixes in the: ”How can a grown man have a fart crosswise & crush the thousands of small children’s hearts,” wrote a parent about Blog action to shut down Youtubefilmerna. “

“– It feels like they want to scare 500 000 parents with me that I am the evil person. But the only thing I want is to get a royalty agreements. And would the Hat not to write an agreement, then they may not use my things. It is the publisher who holds the axe over his own head, ” says Ola Schubert. “

“”It is clear that it threatens” ”

“But Anneli Tisell, ceo for the Hat, the publishers, believe that Ola Schubert’s demands on the copyright and the replacement would mean a disaster for the Babblarna and the company, which has a turnover of around 18 million and 10 employees. “

“– It is clear that it is threatening, we work to bring together the economy. How should a company be able to invest with heart and soul, to have an agreement, and then suddenly turn a person around and say that the force no longer applies? It is not possible to have it so. A person who will do anything to destroy, how would you ever be able to cooperate? she says. “

“According to Anneli Tisell has Ola Schubert put himself on a pedestal above the rest of the team, even though he already got paid well for his job. But the concept is basically her own, she says. “

“– All the ideas in Babblarnas world comes from me. You can guess that it is going on now in social media, all the articles are written, what does it do with my brand that I built in 15 years? It undermines the credibility, it is terrible. This is what I’m passionate about. To get it uthängt, it is horrible, it really hurts, ” she says. “

“Sketchbooks as evidence.”

“the Hat publishing atmosphere by Ola Schubert in the labour court is primarily on the wording of his previous employment contract.”

“But somewhere boils the fight down to the how Holiday, Diddi and the other Babblarna really come to. “

“the Origin – the talpedagogiska ideas developed by a professor in Karlstad, sweden, in the 80’s and then became to simple tygdockor in a reading textilverkstad, feels distant today, when you see the flood of plastic toys and gadgets. “

“Anneli Tisell mean that the commercial piece first and foremost, is a way to spread ideas, not to make money. According to her, the success of the whole – Youtubefilmerna, the music, and not least the educational package purchased by the amounts of kindergartens throughout the country. The most effective marketing. “

” I’ve had an incredibly clear vision, an idea of how it’ll work for the small child’s eye, which I kept with an iron fist. How the characters look is so controlled by me in the details. It is not possible to say for someone that just because he set the line and color of the figures, that it is his creation. It is a joint creation, ” she says. “

“the Question – who created the ”Doddo”? “

“the Question is how any court should be able to sort out who several years before braksuccén realized that the Tut would be red, and not illrosa? Or that Holiday would have a diaper and Doddo be heart-shaped, in its own particular way? “

“at Home in his kitchen has Ola Schubert lined up old dog-eared sketchpad, where he says that he sees the early models of the beloved characters. The robot Clunk is based, according to him, for example on an old idea he had about a robot who wakes up and has lost his memory. Babblarnas house is among other things inspired by a trip he made to west africa. “

“– All illustrators have their own style, it often takes a long time to get to the final design of the figures. It feels as if they want to own a part of my life.”

“(*Source: the number of Youtubevisningar: socialblade.com 2019-04-11) ”