With each wash fibres from the clothing into the waste water. Annual estimates by the world conservation organization, land IUCN estimated that between two and five million tons of micro-plastic in the environment. Researchers believe it is unrealistic to prevent the entries completely. the By Andrea Hoferichter

If Laundry “is not only clean, but pure”, is sometimes of secondary importance. Stefan Brandt from the Hochschule Niederrhein in Krefeld, Germany, are interested in, for example, less. Although his research team to throw a load of Washing after the other, but in the drums, clean, factory-rotate new clothes, especially those made of Polyester Fleece. “We want to find out how many plastic particles dissolve under what conditions, what are the garments,” says Brandt. Polyester is the most common plastic for textiles and Fleece is considered to be particularly a source of micro-plastic particles with a diameter of less than five millimeters.

The washing tests are part of the Federal Ministry of education and research funded project “the textile mission”, at the bottom the TU Dresden, a washing machine, two sporting goods manufacturer and the environmental protection organization WWF, are involved. Brandt’s Team is testing materials from conventional and recycled synthetic fibers, intercepts the fibre remains, with five Filters of different pore size, and analyzed the residues. “Also, we want to reduce the micro-plastic items from fabrics by optimizing fiber selection and new textile structures, and test appropriate solutions,” says project leader, Maike Rabe, the head of the project together with a colleague.

washing and Hygiene

dresses of the germ slingshot

30 degrees and a mild color detergent bacteria in the washing machine thrive. Scientists warn of infections. Hanno Charisius

to prevent The entries complete, is unrealistic. Finally, micro-plastic does not simply prohibit such as disposable bags or straws. For a shift to clothing made of natural fibers, the growing lack of simple surfaces. “They are already in short supply, although only 20 percent of the world’s textiles are made from cotton,” says Rabe. Synthetic fibers have properties that could be achieved in the case of natural fibers, only with a complicated chemical equipments, and are more durable.

Annual estimates by the world conservation organization, land IUCN estimated that between two and five million tons of micro-plastic in the environment. On Land, in rivers, lakes, seas, and in the pack ice of the Antarctic, the particles were discovered. In many organisms, from shellfish to humans. In Germany, a study by the Fraunhofer Institute contribute Umsicht in Oberhausen, according to the washing machine with about 90 grams per Person a year to the emissions, space ten of 51 of the studied sources.

artificial turf pitches, the tire and the road markings put any amount of particle-free

the more particles are, among other things, from art squares, road markings, grass, waste handling, and tire wear is released, the Ranking is tops with an annual contribution of more than 1200 grams per Person. Most of the plastic particles from washing machines, namely, more than 98 percent, to be stopped in wastewater treatment plants, in absolute Numbers, a large amount still remains. So a plant in Scotland dismisses every day about 65 million particles in natural waters, as of 2016, in Environmental Science and Technology was. And the effect of the filter is obsolete, if the micro-plastic is distributed containing sewage sludge as a fertilizer on fields.

it is Still unclear whether the fibre remains, human and animal damage. Plastics are inert, but may contain harmful additives or disease-causing deposited substances. Ecotoxicological studies, especially at high concentrations, effects have been found, but studies on the risk assessment for the next decades is Essentially the all-clear.

“In Europe, is micro-plastic may not be a Problem. In Asia one finds some slight threshold exceedances. So, there is a very small probability of effects”, says Bernd Nowack from the Swiss research Institute Empa, which has recently been published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry a risk study of micro-plastics in surface waters. Of Environmental scientists, he get to hear sometimes that he should take better care of substances with known toxic effects. “The topic of Microplastics, however, is socially relevant,” says Nowack.

Meanwhile, could do the textile manufacturer a lot, to brake the microplastic emissions. “I don’t know if you were ever in a spinning or knitting, but often flies around everywhere Material in the air that can get caught in the textiles available,” says Brandt. Factories with efficient exhaust systems, in Germany, although Standard, but globally it is the exception. Also the cleaning of the fabrics and clothing to be improved. Many of the particles from the washing machine are production residues.

in the long term, should come in biodegradable fibers, says Brandt. However, a good compromise must be found. The lighter fibers of microorganisms can be decomposed in nature, the harder it is to cut in terms of longevity and durability.

can make the contribution of micro-particle filters for washing machines, is questionable. “We wash new clothes and have to change our Filter during a wash several times, because the reset just quickly. How is that going to work everyday with dirty Laundry?”, Brandt says. Filter with larger pores would not clog as quickly, but again more particles to pass through. A Team at the Fraunhofer Institute Umsicht works on the Filter to selectively intercept only plastic fibers. This could be because these are longer than most dirt particles.

The squeak colorful Kugelaus plastic fibers collect

fine-pored washing networks, such as the “Guppyfriend”, a Berlin-based Start-up offers should Help to Plastikösen. “In our Tests, he has kept only a small amount of fibers,” says Brandt. And the Whole thing was only useful if the fiber of the catch is disposed of in the trash and not into the sink or toilet. As a micro-particle catcher, the “Coraball is advertised,” a brightly colored ball made of synthetic plastic grommets. Probably wrongly, as the first Attempts at the Niederrhein University of applied Sciences and the Swiss Empa have shown. The fiber particles are apparently too short to stay in the Grommets to hang.

A tip for all, the textiles micro want to avoid plastic, Brandt, however, the Council of Europe. “The washing machine should always be fully loaded. This not only saves detergent, water and electricity, but also reduces the quantity of Particles already considerably”, says the engineer.