The former Wikileaks employee James Ball explains why he thinks Julian Assange for haughty – and you have to support the detained nevertheless.

Interview by Jannis Brühl Jannis Brühl

Jannis Brühl, born in Nuremberg, is head of the digital Department. Studied politics and American studies in Erlangen, Germany and Portland, Oregon. Internship at, then staff in the Economics Department. Won with the SZ-volunteers of the guard price of German daily press for the project “weapons in Germany”. In 2013, Arthur F. Burns-fellow the editors of ProPublica in New York. By 2015, a correspondent for the North Rhine-Westphalia in Cologne and Düsseldorf.

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James Ball, 33, the following is an investigative Journalist and has worked in 2010 with Wikileaks. He then helped in the publication of the dispatches from American embassies.

SZ: you worked for seven months for Wikileaks. What is Assange?

James Ball: He supports everything that benefits him at the moment. He is convinced to do the Right thing. He’s not acting out of financial motives, so superficial he is. He’s all for transparency, therefore, to draw the Powerful to account, but he does not apply these Ideals to themselves or Wikileaks.

For many he is a Hero. You have called him a “problematic asshole.”

Wikileaks has lied to you, from your own history to the source of the Democrats-Hacks. Wikileaks has handled its finances transparent, and has worked with a known anti-Semites. We don’t know how in the US election came the Material to them, the Russian state has hacked. And then there’s the way how Assange is dealing with the allegations of sexual Assault of two Swedish women. He has at least admitted that there is an Online Mob, the women molested. He is no Hero and no role model. But nevertheless, it is not right that he is accused of.

What’s wrong with the approach of the United States?

If the US have evidence that he has acted as an Agent for Russia or in person databases hacked, then this could be a case for the court. But what you accuse him now, I think, very technically, a petitesse. Chelsea Manning wanted to leaking the Material, you should have communicated with Assange and asked him to crack a password for you.

this strategy could prevent the U.S. justice Department accused of pursuing Assange because of the publication of the secret documents. They focus on the alleged Hack.

It would be naive to believe that the prosecution has nothing to do with the publication. It is a danger for journalism.


do you Think Snowden to Edward. The First thing that had to listen to journalists, was this: The government can prosecute under the Espionage Act. We must defend the standard that journalists are not persecuted. You are not eroded by the editor-in-chief is attacked, the New York Times. If you attack an outsider like Assange, many people do not want to defend. The criminalized journalism.

How the atmosphere was during the publication of the diplomatic cables in 2010?

The British Journalist James Ball worked in 2010 for Wikileaks.

(photo: oh)

The pressure was enormous. The media, with whom we cooperated, and hid behind us. Wikileaks consisted of Assange, Kristinn Hrafnsson, and a few people in their early 20s. We felt threatened. Therefore, these delusions of persecution.

And today? It has been assange’s Paranoia justified?

Yes and no. He put himself in this mess. The punishment for his arrogance is that he spent seven years as a prisoner. Now he could sit still for much longer in a US prison. Nevertheless, many who have worked with him say: Even if you don’t like him, fight against his extradition. You should stand by your word.

How has he managed Wikileaks at the time?

Very cautious. It was like this: We went through the dispatches, he went through Twitter. He was barely involved. It is a very chaotic endeavor.

How did 2010, the international warrant for the investigation in Sweden on the work?

That was no shock, we knew of the investigation. Difficult it was, as he had in England to prison. The Newspapers, with whom we worked, were in a panic. Wikileaks was so dependent on Assange, that we were afraid that everything could fall apart.

The biggest Story about Wikileaks in the past years was the release of E-Mails from the US Democrats. The US intelligence services that Russia has hacked the party. How does Assange on Russia on the West?

Assange personally like well strong men, just like Trump, they like masculine action heroes. That is why he admires Putin. Because he was at the same time followed by the USA, Russia is more sympathetic than many Western journalists. But I don’t think he has consciously worked for the Russian state. To do this, he is intellectually too independent and manage to difficult. Russia saw it as more of a useful idiot who does not ask a lot of questions when he gets the Material.